Chapter three

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Pete FINALLY got out of that damn-rancid place!!! I mean, he needed to be there, and I wanted to be with my best friend, but.... GOSH!! That place was hell!

I walk with Pete onto the bus, and turn to him immediately. "Okay, Pete? We trust you, but there will be some new rules." Pete giver a pained expression, and I smile empathetically.

"You cannot, and I mean, cannot be allowed by yourself for over an hour. If so, we will search for you, and if necessary, start a search party."

Pete chuckles, "there will be no need for that." He sees my panicked expression and continues quickly. "Because I won't try anything!!! I don't want to end up hurting any of you!! It was stupid and foolish of me..."

I sigh, as relief floods through me. "Oh thank god... If you do try again though, I will super glue myself to you so I can keep my we on you."

Pete laughs. Like really laughs- for the first time since the break-up. I smile cheerfully at Pete, and glee warms my heart.

Joe and Andy walk in and run up to Pete.

Joe comes up and slaps Pete hard across the jaw. I gasp, and so does andy.

"You DICK HEAD!!! You had us all worried out of our minds!! Pat BLAMED himself!!"

Joe calmed down a little as Pete frowned.

"But we all forgive you, and we all love you."

Joe pulled Pete in for a hug, and Pete looked at me with a emotion I didn't recognize in his eyes.

As Joe pulled back from Pete and walked towards me, andy pulled Pete in for a hug.

"Never scare us like that again Pete. Okay?"

Pete nods, "okay."

I smile and lap my hands, "let's celebrate!!" Pete shakes his head, "naw, I just want to have alone time, with lunchbox." Joe and Andy smile, and leave us alone.

I look at Pete, who was looking at his feet. "So, whatcha wanna talk about?" Pete shrugs nonchalantly, "dunno, what do you wanna do?" I bit my lip, all I want to know is if he actually likes me...

Okay, I admit it. I have the slightest crush on Pete... Well maybe a little more than a crush, but still! I just really need to know!!

"U-um, truth or dare?" I say, well more like ask. Pete grins happily, "sounds fun!!"

"O-okay, truth or dare?"

Pete thinks, "I pick dare!"

Umm what do i do...

"I dare you to... Um.. Lick the wall?"

Pete laughs, "the wall, really lunchbox?" I nod, blushing furiously.

Pete gets up and licks the wall slowly, staring at me. I blush and look down, finding my shoes suddenly very appealing.

"Kay, so trick, truth or dare?"


Pete thinks for a second, "do you like someone?"

I find myself nodding. Pete raises a brow, "who is this lucky lady?" I look up shyly, "I-it's a guy..." Pete grins, "is it the guy who works with the lighting crew? He is hot!!!" I shake my head, "nooo!!!" I giggle, "but he is hot."

Pete smiles at me, "who issssss heeeee!!!" I take a deep breath and close my eyes, "the guy is one of the funniest guys I know, he's taller than me, but still short. He loves music, and is in a band. To me, he is the definition of perfection, but all he sees are his 'flaws'. He has an outstanding personality, but can be quite sweet."

No opened my eyes and looked at Pete. He was looking at his hands, with a sad expression on his perfect face. I take one of his hands, and he looks at me, startled. "Pete, the man is you."

Petes jaw dropped, and he just stared at me. Then his mouth slowly began to turn into a huge grin, "I really like you also, patrick!!!" I smile shyly.

"Pat, will you do me the honors of becoming my amazing boyfriend?" I nod, "holy shit, of course Pete!!!" Pete pulls us up to our feet, so we're standing.

Suddenly I feel myself being picked up and being swung around. "Pete!! Stop!! You'll drop me!!" I'm too heavy...

Pete laughs, "okay!!" He puts me down and kisses my nose. "Patrick, I know we've been together for only like five minutes, but... I love you. And I have for a long time now."

I smile and look up at him, "I love you too Petey!!" He laughs and pokes my nose, "You only get to call me that cause I love ya!!" I giggle, "I'm lucky then!!"

Pete shakes his head, "No, Patrick, IM the lucky one." I giggle as hug him. He sighs in content, "I looooove you!!" He mumbles into my neck.

I pull his face in front of mine, "I love you too, Pete." I whisper, before pulling him into a sweet, loving kiss.

Our kiss becomes heated quickly. I feel Petes tongue run across my bottom lip, so I opened my mouth to allow his tongue to enter.

He cupped the back of my neck with one hand, and grabbed my waist with the other. Pete backed me up so I was pushed against the wall.

I groan as Pete bites, and tugs on my bottom lip. "Mmm Pete!!" Pete licks my lip, before forcing it into my mouth again. He started stroking my tongue with his, while he started stroking my leg.

I gripped his hair, "peteeee..." I moan into the kiss. I feel Pete smile, before he pulls away. He glances at my 'problem downstairs' and chuckles. "Do you want to take this to the bed..?" I nod, and he takes my hand and walks with me to the only "bedroom"

Once we get there he lock the door and pulls me in for another kiss. "Patrick, I love you, and I need this. But, are you ready for this?" I smile and pull away, "I've been ready for a long time now..."

Suddenly I'm tossed on the bed, and Pete is undressing in front of me, "let's do this"

Sorry, but I. Can't. Write. Smut. If. My. Life. Depended. On. It. But, hey maybe I'll write some later.... Much later... But fyi they DO have sex. ;)

Anyways I hope you all enjoyed this chapter, it had some fluff so yeah... :) I'm happy with it!! Pleaseeeee boy and comment of us caaannn!!! Love ya!!

Xoxo sanity👻

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