Chapter four

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Two weeks later

I flush the toilet after throwing up for the third time that week. I turn around to see a frowning Pete behind me, "Patrick, are you okay?" I nod, then shake my head, "I don't know Pete. I think I've just got the stomach flu, or something along those lines."

Petes lips tighten into a thin line, "I was worried, so I got you a doctors appointment for later this afternoon." I smile weakly, "thanks Pete." I start to giggle, startling Pete.

"What the hell Pat!!??" I look up at him, "remember when you helped me with the mic, and I thanked you, then the fans went crazy!!!" Pete chuckled, "Yes, I do quite remember that day..." I smile at him, "I love you Pete."

"I love you more, Pattycakes."

"Don't call me that"

"I'll call you what I like, cookie."

"Oh my god stop, my ears are dying from your terrible nicknames."

"Awww, do I need to kiss pattywattys wittle itty bitty ears?"

"I'm leaving, and never coming back." I say, and start to walk away.

"I guess stump doesn't love me anymore..." Pete starts to pretend to cry. I run over to him and wrap my arms around him.

"Noooo!! I wuuuuvvvvv youuuu!!!!" I whine, clinging to him. Pete chuckles and kisses my nose, "I love you too, lunchbox." I sigh, the nicknames never end.

Pete and I go to the kitchen to get some food, when I jump on his back. "ONWARDS!!" I scream, making Pete laugh, "of course, love." I giggle, "now, that's a nickname I like!!"

I jump off his back once we complete the very short journey to the kitchen.

I run to the fridge, well, sliding because my socks are slippery against the wood. I open the fridge and start pulling out what I want for a sandwich.

I put everything on the counter, and Pete looks at me funny. "What?" I ask, pulling two slices of bread from the package. Pete just shakes his head, "that's gonna be an... Interesting sandwich..."

I laugh at him, "whatever." I put peanut butter on the bread, then some pickles, and tomatoes. Pete looks grossed out as I eat it happily. "How can you eat that, after you were throwing up this morning?" I shrug, "it's yummy!!"

After I finish my sandwich I throw my mess away, and Pete comes up behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist. "I love you, lunchbox..."

I turn around and wrap my arms around his neck, "I love you too peteza..." I press my lips against his, and I feel a laugh escape his mouth. "Peteza??" He whispers against my lips, causing a shiver to go down my spine.

I smile and nod, not once removing my lips from his. "You are my peteza..." I mumble to him softly. I feel a smile form on his lips. "You are adorable..." He chuckles. Pete pulls away, "how about that doctors appointment?" I smile and nod, "okay."

*skip car ride cause I'm a lazy bitch*

We entered the waiting room, and walked up to the front desk. "Umm appointment for Patrick Stumph." The lady types my name in, "Wait until your name is called please sir. The. You will go back with a nurse." Pete and I nodded, and went to take a seat.

Two minutes later, I hear my name called. Pete and I stand up, and I grab his hand and walk up to the nurse. "Ready?" She asks sweetly. We both nod, and follow her to a room.

"Please sit on this until the doctor comes, thank you." And with that she leaves us alone. Pete looks at me, "You look tiny on that bed thing lunchbox." He points out with a small smile.

I pout just as the doctor walks in. "Doctorrrrr!!! Pete says I'm small!!!!" I whine, causing her to smile, "Well, that's not my problem, let's get down to business mr. Stumph. I hear you've been sick?" I nodded, "been throwing up recently."

She nods and writes something down, "m-hmm, anything else? Headache, back pain?" I think for a second, "well my lower back hurts sometimes, and I only throw up in the mornings." I reply, wringing my fingers together. "He also eats really weird things!!" Pete chimed in happily.

I throw a magazine at him, "Shut UP Wentz!!!" I hiss at him. The Doctor laughs, "just pee in this cup, and we can do some quick tests." She says, and hands me a small plastic cup.

I stare at it and sigh, this will be weird. I walk to a bathroom, and unzip my pants. I do my business and go back to my doctor, "here.." I say and hand her the cup. She smiles, "thank you."

She leaves the room, and Pete laughs, "Oh my god!! I can't believe you peed in a cup!!" I glare at him, "if you don't stop, you won't have a reason to laugh anymore." He quiets down and the doctor walks in with a grin on her face.

"So doc, what's he got?" Pete asks. She looks at both of us, "you may wanna sit down for this." Pete pales, and sits down. I feel the blood drain from my face. "I'm gonna die aren't i?" I choke out, and Pete sends me a pained expression.

The doctor chuckles, "No, but you have a rare condition." Pete looks at her, "what do you mean?" She looks at me, "Patrick has both sets of reproductive organs... So he's pregnant."

Okay, I think I warned that this was a Mpreg story, but idk... So if you don't like it, don't judge or don't read.

Also my finger is as cold as a ice cube. I'm fucking serious. It's FREEZING!!!!

Also I'm listening to fall out boys album ab/ap^~^ I love it too much for my own well being...

So my question to you is what's your favorite song from that album?

Love you all, and plz vote/comment or add this to your library^~^ mines uma Thurman or novacaine

Also, I want to re watch the labrynth..... And if anyone understands this other than hailey I will write their name on my wrist for a day. Not kidding just comment your name and when I see it I will write it on my wrist or neck or whatever.

Xoxo sanity👻

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