Chapter 2

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He was handsome, still is actually. Not much has changed in the four years we spent together, three of them married, may I add.  He is handsome and nice and quite charming. He is clever and cunning and attractive. He is everything and the whole universe. Was, I mean he was. He was understanding and warm and soft. He was my rest station. He was comfort in the midst of pain and now he's my pain. Oh, he is. How very hard it is to love someone but feel like you failed them. I wish I could say that after the divorce, which he chose to go through with, that my love for him diminished. I wish I can say my heart didn't ache and startle at the thought of his name, let alone him.

You won't believe where we met, though. We met at the funniest place a married couple could ever meet: our therapist's office. My appointments were right after or before his, and since I was always early I always saw him walk out before I had to walk in, or vice versa. I had always admired his posture. How he stood so poised-like; not with arrogance, but confidently. How he sat calmly without tapping feet and clammy hands. He made me feel like he's in control of his own life, which always made me wonder why he needed a therapist. He scared me sometimes with all his tranquility, but he always had that aura that made me trust him anyways. It was strange because I had never talked to him at the time. Nevertheless, I grew a bond that linked me to him. He became the best part of my day.

Once, I was running late from work, and I was supposed to be inside for my appointment with the therapist. I wasn't looking properly at the path that I was basically hurdling on. Naturally, due to my inexplicably clumsy self,  I bumped into something. Oh yes, but it was a someone. It was quite the fairytale actually, I dropped some files I was supposed to be working on and he bent down to help me collect them. He then looked at me and smiled. That smile was a marvel. It was dimpled and hearty and I knew he didn't give it to just anyone. I knew it was meant right for me. And that, was the beginning of my end.

I know, I know what you're thinking. Love at first sight? What a cringe-worthy couple. But we're not anymore, so it doesn't really matter.

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