Chapter 9

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It's two days later. That pie. That goddamn pie. It was my purpose at first, and I was so motivated that I walked towards the kitchen without my usual glimpse at note left days ago. I got out the ingredients and measured the needed amount. I made the dough so nicely. The sun shone through my window and I swear I felt the presence of my mother. Just like when I was a kid, she was watching me make a mess, smiling lightly.

It felt so powerful to feel so close to someone I missed so much. I slowed down, relishing in the sweet moment. I made the filling so creamy, like she always made it. I could then hear her humming the way she used to when she baked. The pie was ready so I turned on the oven. Once I was about to put the pie in, memories rushed back. They raced through my head so fast and blurry. Mom's spirit disappeared, and all I heard was screaming. It was loud and angry and hateful. It was the way I feel towards myself whenever I remember that night. It was red again. It was red, red, red.

My legs gave out and I fell with a shriek. Weak, I felt weak and helpless; I was falling down an endless pit again. As I lost my balance, the pie toppled, smearing the ground. It was a mess again, it was a mess and I was a mess and everything was messy. It was too much, too fast.

My eyes became rheumy, I was trembling with clenched fists, and my head was hiding in between my knees. I was sobbing and screaming at the same time. I felt like I was reliving that night all over again. My heart was being ripped from its cage once more. It was all too much. It was too too much. The quivering increased, and my body felt so hot. I was too hot and helpless and messy.

My vision blackened more and more by the second. I was gasping for breath, and the oven was still on and open. It was hot, so hot, and so scary.  Right before I blacked out completely I heard a click, and a familiar aroma filled the room. The door was unlocked.
I know I know it's short but the next one is a long one and it's the last chapter. I hope you enjoyed so far :))

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