Chapter 5:Worthless clubs

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Yukari became a part of the group now. Looks like after the actions of yesterday she falled in love with Tsukune. She and Kurumu were still scared from the sadistic show of Kumagawa.

Aniway, Shizuka told them they need to find a club to join. All of them went on their ways. Moka and Tsukune meet the swiming club president Tamao Ichinose.

 Moka and Tsukune meet the swiming club president Tamao Ichinose

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She offered them to join the swiming club. Of course, she was interesed just in Tsukune. She splashed Moka, making her leave.

Probably a lot of you ask themselves the great question. Where was Kumagawa? Well, let me show you.

In a clubroom there was a mess. Tables and chairs broken. Figurines of Moka, Kurumu and Yukari shattered. Guys crucified with oversized screws. And in the middle was Kumagawa with a death glare.

Kumagawa:[How dare you. This should've been the manga club. Not just you don't have any manga. But you make figurines of the girls too.]

That's right. He wanted to join the manga club. But there was just one bad joke.

Kumagawa:[I would just neat you up usually. But you went over the limite. You disrespected the great shounen jump!]

Truly, an unforgivable crime. Some might say he went to easy on them.

Kumagawa:[Well, you would end up like this aniway. You made figurines or Yukari-chan. If it wasn't me, it would be the FBI.]

He walked away from the club. He meet Moka knelling with a sad face.

Kumagawa:[What happened.]

Then she proceded to tell him all. He took a thinking position.

Kumagawa:[It looks like we're dealing with mermaids. Really, that boy of ours can't stay without being a target.]

Moka:We need to save him!

She ran at the swiming club. Kumagawa looked at her leaving.

Kumagawa:[She realize her weaknes is water, right? I should go with her. God knows if her family finds out she was hurt, what earful I'll take. Issa-chan is no problem, but her sisters are another story. Especialy Akua-chan. I mean, they love me, but love her more. i fell like a puppy.]

He arrived at the club and Moka was in the water sinking. Tsukune was captured by Tamao.


He went in the water and took down Moka's rosario. The water became red as blood and the true Moka emerged.

Tamao:And what!? A vampire is still weak at water. But the mermaids are invincible in it! Drink it!

Moka:What anoying fish.

Kumagawa:[So precious is water for them. Ot makes me want to take it from them.]

Suddenly the water dissapered. Tamao was falling.

Moka:Know your place!

She hit her, throwing her across the room. She walked for the others siren. Just to find them all dead, screwed.

Kumagawa:[I really wanted fried fish.]

Those words were spoke with delight. The group knew what that means.

Kurumu/Yukari:Not again!

Tsukune:Oh no.

Kumagawa began by cutting the fish half of Tamao in sections. After that he took her spine and stabbed it right through her chest.

Blood was coming out of her mount. The pain was unbearable. She hoped that was the end. Unfortunately, Kumagawa set her on fire putting more to her suffering.

Kumagawa:[I should've become a chef.]

In that night, an accident happened. A girl screamed at the eyes watching her changing. The culprit vanished at high speed.

The culprit was a werewolf. He felt pain on  his hand. He looked at his hand and saw a screw embended in it.

In the distance he saw something horrifying. A black sihlouet with a big white smile, who dissapered a second after. He had the felling that whatever that thing is, it will hunt him.

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