Chapter 2

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"..." talking

/.../ mind link

'...' thoughts

Seto growled as another message was sent to him while he was trying to work.

"Damnit, another night spent working", Seto hissed to himself.

Suddenly, Seto saw something flew past his window at enormous speed. It was so fast, he almost didn't see it. Almost. He raised a brow in confusion.

"What in the hell?", he cursed to himself as he stared out the window.

"Probably just a bird or something, but just to make sure", Seto stood up from his seat and walked over to the window.

Which was more like a wall because the entire wall was a window. What Seto saw was absolutely horrifying. His eyes widened in shock at the sight. It was Yami, and he looked... dead. Seto screamed for Mokuba, his little brother. He grabbed his trench coat and walked out the door to his office, not caring if he closed it behind him or not. Mokuba came running alongside next to him, trying to keep up with Seto's fast pace.

"Big bro, what's wrong?", Mokuba asked once he was in line next to Seto.

"I need you to get all the nurses and doctors, we have an emergency", Seto told Mokuba with great urgency in his voice.

"I'll get right on it big bro", Mokuba replied, understanding it was urgent.

A nurse just so happened to be nearby when Mokuba said that to Seto. He told the nurse to get all the doctors and nurses possible. The nurse nodded, confirming she also knew it was an emergency. Mokuba quickly dashed to his brother as he was just about to get on an elevator. Once they were both in, Seto punched in the button to the ground floor. They waited a few moments before they heard the usual 'ding' and waited for the doors to open. Once they did, they saw nurses rushing about and doctors doing all they could to save Yami. An ambulance and a few police cars were outside. Mokuba's eyes widened, 'What is going on here?', he thought. He had a feeling he was about to find out when he and Seto started walking outside. When they came to the place of the accident, they were both completely horrified.


Yugi was soundly sleeping when he suddenly felt a slight rush of pain. He then stirred awake. He sat up in his bed and groaned. He yawned and wondered why he felt the pain, then he realized that the mind link was still open which meant he was probably feeling some of Yami's pain. He sat there for a few moments, thinking about could have possibly happened to Yami. He decided to ask him.

/Yami, what's wrong?/

He waited, but got no response. He decided to try again.

/Yami? What's going on? Are you hurt?/

Once again he got no answer. 'Strange... Yami always answers... He must be asleep or something... I better go check on him just to make sure...', he thought. He got up from his bed and walked to Yami's room. He knocked on the door a couple times.

"Yami! It's me, open up!", Yugi called.

Still he got no reply. He quietly opened the door, just in case a sleeping Yami was on the other side of it. He looked around the room, but still found no trace of his dark. He then decided to look around for clues as to where Yami might've gone. He searched until his eyes rested upon a strange looking book on Yami's nightstand. He carefully took the weird book in his small hands. His slid his fingers across the title, the words 'Yami's Diary' were printed there. 'Wow... never thought I'd see those two words together... maybe his latest entry will tell me where he went or at least give me a clue...', he thought. He opened the book to the last entry and began to read in his mind.

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