Chapter 4

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Yugi sat on his couch, curled up in a ball and trying to hold back the tears. Currently he was watching a romantic comedy movie to maybe help, and it sorta did. 'This is a choice you must make, it will decide my fate', this one statement played over and over again in his mind. "What have I gotten myself into?", he asked himself. A light rumble came from his stomach, signaling that he was hungry. He decided to order out since one, he didn't know how to cook, two, he didn't feel like trying and three, he also didn't feel like getting up.

*Time Skip to the next morning*

'I'm not sure whether or not I should visit Yami today', Yugi thought as he laid in his bed. 'Maybe I'll call Joey, see if he's going to see Yami...', Yugi picked up his cellphone from his night stand and quickly dialed the number. It rung a few times before he finally picked up, "Hello?". "Hey Joey, what's up?". "Not much, I'm about to go to the hospital to visit Yami. Why?". "Oh, no reason. Say, would it be alright if I came along?". "I don't see why not, I'll come and pick ya up in twenty, kay?". "Kay, I'll be waiting". "See ya when I get there!". "Yeah, see ya", and with that Yugi ended the call and started to get ready.

*Time Skip to when they arrive at the hospital*

"Thanks for driving me here, Joey", the youth said as he and the blonde walked side by side to Yami's room. "Hey no problem, Yugi. What are friends for?", the blonde responded. Yugi smiled, he was so lucky to have such great friends, and he knew it. When they arrived at the door, Yugi's mouth started to get a bit dry, and he could feel his knees start to weaken underneath his weight. Joey's hand grasped the doorknob and twisted it, he pushed it open to reveal a sleeping Yami. Yugi breathed a quiet sigh of relief. He was glad he didn't have to face Yami, not yet anyway.

Yugi sat on the chair to Yami's left with Joey on the opposite side. It was silent, unless you count the constant beeping of the monitor and the dark's consistent breathing. Yugi began to fidget in his chair uncomfortably, he wasn't very good at small talk even less starting it. He took a glance at Joey, the blonde seemed to be lost in his thoughts. 'Strange... I didn't know Joey ever had thoughts', Yugi giggled to himself. This caused the blonde to look his way, and give him a confused face. He giggled once again and gazed down at the sleeping Yami's face, he grabbed the dark's hand.

Yugi smiled, he looked so peaceful. After about 20 minutes Joey decided to go and see his sister since both Yami and Serenity were at the same hospital. "Bye Joey", Yugi watched as his friend walked out the room and disappeared. Yami started to stir, then he woke up. "Aibou?", he asked in a groggy voice. Yugi snapped his head to his dark and smiled, "Sorry, did I wake you?". Yami shook his head and gave Yugi's hand a slight squeeze, and smiled back. The two stayed like this until it was time for Yugi to go home due to visiting hours.

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