Chapter 6

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Today was the day, the day all of Yugi's thoughts came together to form his answer. The day he decided the rest of both his life and Yami's, and he had it all figured out. He grabbed his jacket and locked the door behind him, he soon found himself at the entrance of the hospital. He opened the door to reveal a very unexpected sight, nurses and doctors were rushing everywhere. They all seemed desperately trying to complete one goal, as if it was the most important task any of them had ever faced. He raised a brow in confusion, but he had no time for the other people.

He was focused completely and solely on Yami, he went past everyone and went straight to Yami's room. When he arrived on the second floor however, there was a huge flood of people. Each doctor and nurse alike were going in and out of Yami's room, almost as if in a panic. Yugi walked to the closest nurse that didn't look too busy, "Um, excuse me, Miss? Could you explain to me what's happening?". The woman didn't seem to notice him because she simply turned and went along in a different direction. 'Rude...', Yugi thought as he squeezed past people to Yami's room.

He was almost there when he was suddenly stopped by a tall man. "I'm sorry, but Mr. Sennen isn't seeing visitors today... or anything", the man mumbled the last part so Yugi wouldn't hear it. Yugi heard it though, and was completely confused by it. He once again raised a brow in utter confusion, 'What in Ra's name did he mean by that?'. He shook his head and decided to wait, he took an open seat by the door. He waited a long nine gruelling hours, while periodically he would hear the doctor and nurse's frantic calls for a tool of some sort.

Finally a doctor came out the room, bloodied by Yami's operation. Yugi lit up and ran to the man, "Sir, is Yami seeing visitors now?". The doctor sighed somewhat heavily, "He is stable so yes he's having visitors now, but he's not seeing them...". Yugi was again in a state of complete and absolute confusion, 'What do they all mean by that?!'. He shook his head again and opened the door to the room, but what he saw shocked him. "Mr. Sennen, please calm down!", the nurse exclaimed to the teen, trying desperately to relax him. "No! Go away, just get out!", he screamed back at the frightened woman.

Yami was on his hands and knees on the bed and panting from his outburst while the nurse hovered over him. The nurse gasped then ran out the room, quick as lightning and disappeared out of sight. Yugi, now confused more than ever, called to his Yami in a soft tone, as to not alarm him. "Yami, what's wrong?", he asked the enraged dark. Yami turned slightly to the sound of his name, but not to the point where his face was visible to his hikari. "A-aibou? Wha-what are you doing here?", he stuttered while he asked the light.

"I'm here so I can tell you my answer, but first I want to know what's going on here. Why is everyone in this hospital acting so weird? They all keep making these odd remarks about you not seeing...", Yugi asked this all at once. He had had about enough of being confused and left in the dark. He tapped his foot impatiently, waiting for an answer. Yami waited a bit before replying to him, "They all said that because it's true, I... can't see anymore. I'm blind now, Yugi". Yugi stopped tapping his foot and stood absolutely still. His eyes widened, and his pupils dilated in utter shock.

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