Chapter 35

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Goku and Wanda are looking on at the view of Asgard from their room window. They have their hands together as they stare at the city as it was still not fully rebuilt, but it was enough for the people leaving there to live freely.

It had been days since Goku had the strange vision and he has not gained any more answers to it, other than a few dreams of that vision. Still, no further answers to the many questions in his head.

Still, the one question in his head has been since he's been in Asgard: What was going on at Earth? How are the others doing while he and Wanda stayed here? Did things resolve about the Accords? Those questions stayed in his head the most.

Goku: Hey, Wanda?

Wanda: Yes, Goku?

Goku: Have you ever thought about how the others back on Earth are doing while we're here?

Wanda: Well, I did. But, with the situation with Hela and the others, I almost forgot about it.

Goku: Yeah. Let's got talk to Heimdall about what is going on back on Earth.

Wanda: Sure. Let's have Bruce and Thor come with us.

Goku: Alright.

*later, at the Bi-Frost*

Goku, Wanda, Bruce, and Thor appeared via Goku's instant transmission to Heimdall as he looks on at the frontier in front of him.

Goku: Hey, Heimdall. I would like to ask you something.

Heimdall: You would like to know what is going on with the Avengers back in Midgard?

Goku: Yeah. That. Could you tell us what you see?

Heimdall: Yes. And what I not exactly good news.

This made the four members of the Avengers confused and concerned.

Thor: What happened?

Heimdall: First and foremost, the Avengers are no longer a team.

Silence fell towards all four of them. It felt like something hit them very hard in the gut.

Bruce: What? When did that happen?

Heimdall: I don't know...all I could gather was that the ones called Captain America, Falcon, Quicksilver, and the Black Widow have been deemed outlaws by your world's governments.

Wanda: *confused* Natasha is now considered a criminal? She signed the Sokovia Accords though.

Heimdall: I couldn't find out how or why it's happened. A man called Ross has been leading the charge into hunting down your friends but they have gone into hiding.

Bruce's face went into shock to disgust. Hearing Ross made his skin crawl and his temper increasing. He still can't believe Ross, the one who was hunting him down, was still being trusted. Thor patted him in the shoulder to calm him down.

Goku and Thor had been silent for a while, thinking deeply about everything he's heard. It saddened him to learn of the falling out amongst his friends...what could've possibly driven them to turn on each other?

Thor: So what are we to do then? I still intend to arrive on Earth but we might not be so warmly received based on what we just learned.

Bruce: I think it's best we should find Cap and the others. I'll go find Tony to sort things out. And maybe we could fix any bad blood between the Avengers.

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