Chapter 05

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Chapter 05: Café

Yuna's POV

I finally reached the mall!

After thirty minutes of waiting and another thirty minutes for the bus ride.

That I actually had some trouble in.

Which, in total is, an hour?!

The bus actually took so much of my time!

I began to panic because of it.

A lot of thoughts suddenly came flooding in.

'Now, what will Jeongin think of me?!'

'Wait, what?!'

'Why do I even want to leave such a good expression on him, anyway?'

'It's not like we're dating or anything.'

'Pssh... That will never happen.'

'Never in my life time."

I quickly quickened my pace just to reach the newly opened Café.

So, that he will not notice that I was late.

'I was supposed to be here, like an hour ago!' I thought, scolding myself eternally.


Once, I reached the Café, I quickly went in, and looked around, to see if Jeongin is already here.

But, he wasn't which I used that advantage.

Because, that only means that I can try to hide the fact, that I was late for an hour.

I quickly asked the waitress, for a table for two.

To which, she happily did, she let me sit near the window, and quickly left me.

Because, there are more customers that kept on coming inside the Café.

Once, she was no longer in sight.

I quickly took out my phone, and looked through it.

When I found nothing new, I decided that I should keep myself busy with, texting with the guy who asked me out, in the first place.


Yang Jeongin
Active Now

Yah! Where are you?!

I'm already here!

Sorry, Yuna. Something came up. I'll be a bit late.

You can order anything. I'll pay for it. Later that is.

Anyway, since I'm the one who's late. I feel like owe you one.

Really? Why do I feel like you're lying or something?

Yeah, right. I mean, I was the one who invited you and yet, I'm the one who's late.

Okay. I'll tell you my condition, later when you come here.

Well. That was fast. Anyway, I need to go now. Bye, Yuna.



Since, I was going to wait here for some time, I should at least make myself feel comfortable.

I quickly stood up, and went over the counter to order.

While, waiting I quickly took a glance at the menu, which was on top of the counter making me look up.

While looking up, I saw three of my favorite things in the world.

The Strawberry Shortcake!

The Oreo Milk tea!


The Chocolate Coffee Latte!

Once, it was my turn, I know it was written all over my face that I could explode with excitement.

I quickly looked at the guy who was on the counter.

And with that, my smile immediately dropped into a frown.

It was Kai.

He was smiling.

"Hello. Can I please take your order?" He asked, while still smiling at me.

It would be rude of me, if I don't smile back at him.

And so I did, just to return him the favor.

"Umm... I would like Strawberry Shortcake. I would also like an Oreo Milk tea, and a Chocolate Coffee Latte." I said, but then immediately remembered Jeongin's favorites.

I quickly looked up once again, and looked for them.

I quickly found them.

I looked at him, with a big smile on my face.

"Can I also get a Red Velvet Cake? Oh, and Iced Americano, please." I said, and quickly took out my phone.

"Okay, ma'am." He said, and started tapping away something on the tablet computer or something, that was in front of him.

I quickly texted Jeongin that I ordered for both me and him.


Yang Jeongin
Active 10 minutes ago

Yah! I already ordered for the both of us.

You have Red Velvet Cake, with an Iced Americano.


Once, I was done, I quickly put my phone back in my sling bag.

I quickly looked at the guy in front of me, and gave him the payment.

He then, gave me a buzzer that is the timer that also means your order is already ready to get.

I smiled at him, and bowed before getting the buzzer and went back to my seat.

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