Chapter 10

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Chapter 10: Childish


Author's POV

It has been a week ever since Kai asked Yuna to be his girlfriend.

And since it has been a week, there are couples that celebrate their first weeksary.

And this couple was that kind of couple, as well.

But, instead of celebrating it like the way they wanted to, they were just fighting because of the place.

Because, the week days were kind of dry to be honest.

They haven't been talking to each other due to each other's classes that oppose their relationship.

But, even though their relationship is like that, they still try to make it work.

And right now.

They were at Yuna's and Chaeryeong's place.

They were discussing, where should they spend their first ever weeksary.

Kai and Yuna wants to go to the Arcade.

But, the other two namely Taehyun and Chaeryeong, wants to go to the newly opened amusement park.

So, the two groups both started bickering, about the destination

But, a sudden change of heart came into the scene.

Yuna, changed her pick and went for the amusement park.

So, Kai had a mental breakdown because of what just happened.

But, in the end they decided to go to the amusement park.

Even Kai, who was still going to the Arcade, gave up because Yuna was in the other team.

And he couldn't resist his girlfriend's charm.

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