Chapter 08

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Chapter 08: Confession


Kai's POV

It has been days, ever since I saw both Jeongin and Yuna, in my Uncle's newly opened Café.

And ever since that, I began avoiding the both of them.

Distancing myself from the both of them.

Because, ever since I saw them both, in the Café.

My chest starts to hurt randomly.

I tried asking Taehyun hyung, for what I was feeling.

But, he only told me that it's natural for me to feel this.

Which made me throw a fit at him.

And I do, admit.

I feel sorry for hyung, because he was just trying to help me.

But, I pushed him away.

Right now, I'm heading towards the rooftop.

Because, hyung said he wanted to meet me.

And so, I also took this opportunity to apologize to hyung, for being such a jerk back then.

I already reached the rooftop, and opened the door.

Just to meet a Yuna who was looking at my direction, who was clearly just as confused as me.

"What are you doing here?" She asked me.

To which, I just answered which a raised eyebrow.

"I was supposed to meet here, with Taehyun hyung." I said, and looked at her confused.

"How about you?" I asked her back.

"Chaeryeong eonni." She simply answered and watched the scene once again.

'That's odd.... Why would Taehyun hyung, tell me that he would want to talk to me, in the rooftop. Just to meet Yuna?' I thought.

Another thought quickly came in my head.

'Didn't Yuna say that she was waiting Chaeryeong noona? What if this was all a set up?!' I thought, and looked at Yuna.

But, then we suddenly heard something from the door.

That made us look at it, we looked at each other for a few moments before going near the door.

But, it was no use already.

It was locked.

I looked at Yuna, and she was confused just like me.

She was going back to where she was, where we heard talking on the other side of the door.

Meaning there's somebody, on that side of the door.

"Yah! Open this door!" I said, while knocking on the door.

"Nope. Not, until the both of you become friends again!" The voice said a voice that I was very familiar with.

'Taehyun hyung' I thought.

I looked over to Yuna, and she had the same expression as me.


"What are you talking about?!" I asked him, or more like shouted at him.

"I think, you understand what he means, Kai." I heard another voice say.

'So, he's not alone?' I thought.

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