Pumpkin Head

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A/N: Hey there! So this is the first time I'm including a video in this fic so I just wanted to let you guys know that I indicate where the song is to be played by saying "Play song here"!! Hope you enjoy and as always, thanks for reading! :)


Ana sat in her chemistry class, entering into a new dimension of boredom-- having been in the class and listening to the teacher's droning for nearly an hour-- until her cellphone vibrated. She looked up inconspicuously to ensure that no one had heard it, then swiftly grabbed it from the edge of her desk and flipped it open:


Jules: What u up 2? So bored in algebra right now

She smiled to herself and typed out a reply:

Me 2 in chem. Gonna die of boredom if the teacher doesn't shut up soon

She sent it and waited a few seconds, then received a reply back.

Jules: Wanna ditch next period?

She grinned and enthusiastically typed her reply:

Hell yeah!!

He immediately texted her back:

Cool. Meet me behind the bleachers after class


At the instant the bell rang for class to be over, Ana shot out of her seat, grabbed all of her stuff and shoved it inside of her backpack as fast as she could. The class hadn't lasted much longer after Julian texted her, but it felt like an eternity with how eager she was to see him. She exited the classroom and slipped out of the sea of her fellow students, escaping to the bleachers unnoticed. To her delight, she found Julian waiting for her, smoking a cigarette. They both smiled when they saw each other.

"Hey, stranger," she greeted him as she approached him.


"Thanks for rescuing me from 5th period," she said, then stole his cigarette and took a long drag of it. He watched her with a subtle smile on his face.

"What's 5th period?" He asked after he took his cigarette back.

"Finances," she sighed, blowing the smoke out.

"Oh, man," he grimaced.

"Yeah," she laughed.

Julian's expression suddenly changed as he looked over Ana's head. Before she could figure out what was going on, he grabbed her hand, pulling her underneath the bleachers. She observed him as he looked vigilantly out into the field, where a handful of students and the gym teacher had just gathered to begin class.

"What's your 5th period?" Ana asked him.

He turned to her, "Gym."

They stared at each other with serious expressions for a moment until they both broke out into laughter.

"You brought me out under the bleachers while you were skipping gym class?" Ana laughed.

"Yeah, pretty much," he grinned, then, looking her directly in the eyes, "Guess I just wanted that rush of... Doing something you're not supposed to."

"You a 'bad boy,' then?" She smirked teasingly.

"No. I just don't believe in authority-- answering to people, and shit...," he answered, his voice now serious as he leaned against a pole holding the bleachers up.

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