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Julian and Ana lay together under the covers-- Ana snuggled up against Julian, his arm resting around her shoulder, as he lit a cigarette.

"Hey, can I ask you something?" Ana looked up at him.

"Hmm?" He muttered, looking back at her.

"What's the deal with your brother?" She asked, her voice quiet, as if that would soften the blow of the unpleasant topic she was bringing up.

"My brother," Julian laughed bitterly, "Just what I wanna talk about when I'm in bed with a hot girl."

Ana smiled halfheartedly, "Sorry... I don't wanna make you uncomfortable. It's just, you had never mentioned him before..."

"I don't know. He's an asshole, and we've never gotten along. What more can I say?" Julian said, quickly and in an irritated tone of voice. Ana decided not to press any further; She understood how he felt, she was the same way. As much as she liked Julian, she didn't feel comfortable enough discussing deeply personal topics with him yet, like her Dad, and figured he was probably the same about his brother.

For a while they said nothing, until Julian eventually spoke up, "Since we're asking each other questions, can I ask you something?"

"Mhm," Ana replied.

"How long have you known Fab?" He asked.

She thought for a second, "Mmm, I think since we were three? I don't really remember, I was too young."

"You guys seem really close," he mumbled.

"We are," she smiled, "He's my best friend."

"Have you guys ever... Like..." He trailed off, too uncomfortable to finish his sentence.

"What?" She looked up at him with furrowed brows and a frown, "Ugh, no. Why does everyone always ask that?"

"You mean, you've never... Just for fun...?" He asked, and she vigorously shook her head 'No.'

"He's like my brother, dude. That would be weird," she mumbled, but the truth was that she would be no more opposed to the idea of having sex with Fab than she would be with Julian, or Nick, or any of the boys.

"Okay, sorry," he said defensively.

Ana looked up at him and smiled apologetically, "No, it's okay. You were just curious." She leaned up and kissed him, then laid her head on his chest and closed her eyes. They lay together like this, the only change or movement from either one of them being their breathing or Julian's occasionally taking a drag from his cigarette, until they both fell asleep for the night.


The ringtone on Julian's phone blared out into his bedroom, jarring him awake. He groggily fumbled around for his phone as Ana stirred around next to him, having also been woken by the harsh noise. She was greeted by a stabbing headache and narrowed her eyes as she opened them, the harsh afternoon light doubling the already unbearable pain.

"Mmm... Who is it?" She grumbled, holding her hand against her throbbing forehead.

"Nick. Go back to sleep," he smiled, promptly gave her a peck on the lips, then flipped his phone open.

"Nick, why are you waking me up?" He asked, clearly annoyed.

"Julian!" Nick's voice came crackling through the speaker, "Do we still have practice today?"

"Yeah, because I've got a splitting headache, dude. I can hardly move," Albert shouted in the background.

"Is that Albert?" Ana smiled, her eyes closed and her hand still placed on her head.

Knots: A Fab Moretti FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now