Chapter 10

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After my chat with Max, I don't call Emma. We're busy working on the new album and doing a radio promo show, so I don't really have much time to contact her anyway. On Monday, I decide it's time to tell Emma the truth. I call her cell phone and it goes straight to voicemail but I don't leave her a message. Since we have the day off, I figure I could go visit her at her job. I try remembering what art gallery she said she worked at, and after some google searching, I find the one she mentioned. Nathan walks into the living room where I'm sitting and says "I'm bored mate, what are you doing today?"

I hesitate before answering, since I haven't really spoken to Nathan about Emma and I'm not sure what he has to say about it, "Well actually, I'm heading to an art gallery now." Nathan lifts his eyebrows at me "An art gallery? You? I didn't know that was your kind of thing." I look back at the computer screen to avoid looking at him and say "It's not really my thing, but I have to see Emma." I look up quickly at him as I say that and see a smirk come across his face "So this is about that girl, ain't it? Well, do you mind if I come along? Siva and Tom went to some shop and Max is sleeping the day away, so I don't have anything to do."

I figure it wouldn't hurt if he came and met Emma. "Alright mate, you can come. But try not to say anything that might embarrass me in front of Emma. I already do enough of that on my own." Nathan gives me his most innocent look, and pretends to be horrified, like if he couldn't possibly hurt a fly, "Me, embarrass you? On purpose? Never!" I get up from the couch and smack him across the head, "Okay twat, I'm leaving now. Let's go." Nathan puts a hand on my shoulder and stops me from walking towards the door. "Woah woah, wait. You're gonna go see Emma dressed like that? You're joking right?" I look down at what I'm wearing, and I don't understand what Nathan is referring to. "What's wrong with what I'm wearing?" Nathan laughs, then realizes I'm being serious "Well nothing, except you're wearing a Hawaiian print shirt, khaki pants and white tennis shoes. You look like a creepy old uncle, no offense. I'm sure you have something better to wear, man." I roll my eyes at him "Seriously? I really don't think Emma will care about what I'm wearing."

Nathan sits on the couch "She's a girl, of course she's gonna care. And anyways, I care. I don't want to walk around New York with my creepy old uncle, thank you very much. I'll be waiting here till you're ready to go." I glare at Nathan, but he just sits with his arms across his chest and lifts his eyebrows again "Hurry up, I'm waiting."

Sighing loudly, I walk back to my room and look at the mess of clothes thrown across the floor. I look in the mirror in the bathroom. Nath was right; I do look like a creepy old uncle. I don't know what to wear but I decide to keep it safe with jeans and a black v neck shirt. Looking at the mirror again, I start feeling self conscious. "What is wrong with you, Jay?! You're famous! So many girls want you right now. Who cares what Emma thinks!" I keep telling myself this as I walk out into the living room. When Nathan sees me, he smiles and says "See, now you look like the guy a girl wants to take to bed. Hell, I might be tempted to take you to bed myself." He winks at me for emphasis. I laugh. Nathan can be so randomly sexual sometimes. "Stop being weird, Nath. Let's go."

We walk to the gallery and since neither of us know where we're going, we get lost for a bit, but find it eventually. From outside, it doesn't look like much. When we walk into the front lobby, we can tell right away from the elegant lighting and flooring that this place is pretty spiffy. Nathan lets out a low whistle next to me as he looks around. There's a girl sitting at a desk on the side and I walk up to her. She looks up at me with a bright smile when she hears me approaching, but when she sees my face, she smile momentarily falters. She looks confused but then remembers that she's supposed to be working "Welcome to Williamsburg Art Gallery. My name is Monica. How can I help you?" I flash her my best smile " Hello Monica. I'm looking for Emma. Is she in yet?"

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