Chapter 1

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Katherine woke up on a lovely Thursday morning. Being a werewolf meant being a very light sleeper so having a goodnight’s sleep was something she was not accustomed to, but something every wolf got used to.

“Katherine, wake up!” her mother instructed from the hallway.  “Coming,” she yelled back.

Tidying up her room and humming a soft tune she took a pair of jeans and a purple string tee with a pair of underwear to the bathroom. Katherine sighed once again thinking about how convenient an en suite would be, but alas her dad did not entertain her petition.

Trying to open the bathroom door, Katherine found it locked. “Ug, Lucas I need to shower and you’re going to finish all the hot water.” Katherine knew it would be useless to make a fuss as Lucas always somehow manages to wake up before her even though he does perimeter runs around the territory with their Beta twice a day and three times on the days he’s not working.

Twenty minutes later Lucas opened the bathroom door and found his baby sister sitting on the floor next to the door eyes closed. He couldn’t help but smile seeing her there knowing very well that he took his time just to irk her.
“Kathy,” Lucas murmured knowing that she’ll be able to hear him. Sighing Katherine stood up heading for the door. “Well you certainly took your sweet time.” She said glowering at him.

“What can I say, all this,” Lucas responded gesturing to his body, “is hard to maintain.”

Katherine scoffed, “As if.”

Although she knew that her brother was a very good looking fellow she was not going to tell him that and suffer his ego. Looking at her brother Katherine could appreciate his grey eyes which very much reminded her of hers and his dark blonde hair which was tapered at the sides and all ruffled at the top to give off a bad boy vibe which Katherine had to admit fitted him perfectly.

Looking up at her 6’1 brother, Katherine shoved him rather roughly, “get out of my way.” She said and went into the bathroom shutting the door and the world away allowing herself time to just be before the rest of the day caught up to her.


Leaving the bathroom, Katherine bounced downstairs heading into the kitchen where the smell of bacon and eggs beckoned her and demanded her attention.

“Morning mom, dad,” Katherine greeted kissing her dad on the forehead. Her dad was her ultimate superman, he was no titled wolf in the pack he simply owned butchery in the pack and made sure his family wanted for nothing.

“Morning Sweetheart,” David smiled at his daughter his grey eyes a running family tradition of the Scott’s looking at her lovingly, “we’re going to be late for the pack meeting if we are going to just sit here and eat slowly.”

Katherine and Lucas made a run to the kitchen table piling breakfast on their respective plates and munching in a hurry as the meeting was in twenty five minutes and they were fifteen minutes away from the pack meeting grounds when walking by foot which, Katherine noted as she munched on her French toast, is how they’ll be travelling today.

“Done,” Lucas shouted five minutes later.

This is not a competition Katherine thought to herself as she ate the last piece of bacon on her plate. Standing up and dusting her body of the bread crumbs, the Scott family among many other pack members started heading for the pack meeting ground.


At the pack grounds the Alpha of the pack, Alpha Brody stood on the pedestal with his mate Luna Margo and the Beta, Andrew, along with who Katherine thought to be his mate. The Alpha has been mated now for three years and it has been quite an interesting thirty-six months for the pack. It was safe to say that the Alpha was struggling to maintain a balance between being an Alpha of a pack and being a mated man.

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