Chapter 2

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The Beta of Red Moon couldn’t believe what the Alpha and longtime friend of his was telling him.

“Why do I have to subject myself to this?” Enzo asked his Alpha Kwame. “I don’t need to find my mate, if I do need to find her it can’t be now. Things aren’t steady between us and the Light Pack. War can break out anytime soon and you know that Kwame.” Enzo has been petitioning his case for about half an hour now and still his Alpha wouldn’t budge. What made the matter worse was that his wolf was restless. It was pacing in his mind and his soul was raging like a wild fire within him. Something was amiss and for the life of him he couldn’t figure out what.

He kept on sniffing around him and taking moments to listen for any irregular sounds but he couldn’t pick up on anything.
All the more reason to stay, he thought, the fire burned even more.

“I don’t find the act of repeating myself very fascinating. It’s tiresome. What’s the worst that can happen? You don’t find your mate? Then you come back but until then you’re going.” Alpha Kwame reiterated, leaving no room for any more discussion.

“Fine, I guess I’ll go.” Enzo conceded knowing that he had no choice in the matter. The raging fire stopped and his wolf went back into the recess of his mind. That was strange he thought.

“Now please leave. I want to get back to my mate.” Kwame stood up and as he walked past his friend he gave a pat of affection on Enzo’s shoulder. “You’ll thank me for this when you find her. I’m tired of you sleeping your way through the packs. Plus it was nice of Moon Stone to invite us.”

“Am I going alone?” Enzo asked. He would prefer it that way if he was being honest but he knew his Alpha would never permit it.
“No. You’re taking the foreign boy with you and also two enforcers. I’ll let you pick them.”

As Kwame made his way towards the door he remembered one import detail. “You’re leaving tomorrow evening, the ball is on Saturday and it’s an eight hour flight so it should be enough time for you to land and get to the hotel on time.”

“What!” Enzo roared, his voice vibrating through the sound proof walls. “When did you find out about this?”

“A week or so ago,” Kwame said, shrugging nonchalantly. Taking care not to let his Alpha wolf become bothered by the Beta’s outburst.

“And you’re only telling me this now?” Enzo asked, shocked at this revelation.
“Yes, it gives you less time to think about it. Just go.” Kwame said, shutting the door as he exited his office knowing he can trust his friend in there. He smiled to himself knowing that he’s doing the right thing.
Entering his house, Kwame was met with his mate’s wonderful scent which calmed him and his wolf. He followed the scent to his bedroom and found his mate asleep. Without waking her up he went to shower and joined her in their bed. Kissing her forehead, he knew his friend deserved this feeling of contentment.


Friday afternoon came too soon for Enzo. He didn’t give himself the time to appreciate the sunset beautifully hanging against the open area of the small airport, although the golden rays felt lovely caressing on his skin.
“Are you ready to go boss?” Eathen, an enforcer who Enzo trusted with his life and was going with him asked. Enzo had been standing by the entrance of the private jet unwilling to leave, apart from the fact that flying made him uneasy; he just had too many feelings about leaving and he hated being unable to sort through all of them before he left. His wolf was also prancing around in his mind, making Enzo more confused on whether he should stay or leave.

Sighing and shaking all the doubts from his head, Enzo made his up the stairs and into the Jet he was already familiar with. Nodding at the cabin crew member to alert the pilot that they’re ready to go, he made his way to his seat and fastened the belt.

Enzo was not certain if taking the foreign guy was a good idea. The man said his name was Manny. Every time Enzo looked at him, he got a physical description of what despair is, the man never smiled nor laughed for that matter. He was unkempt his beard was already reaching the middle of his chest and he didn’t seem to notice nor care about how he was perceived.
The only reason his Alpha let the man stay was because he was a perfect tracker. He has been able to track objects they’ve let be covered by rain and strong winds, through it he was able to scent it. It also helps that he was a good fighter.

Losing his mate was what landed Manny on Red Moon’s land. When you turn into your wolf you get attuned into your mate’s existence, it’s like you know they’re out there somewhere and now you’re just awaiting fate to play its part so you can meet. Manny knew when his mate was no longer in existence, he felt the connection sever one dreadful Friday night as he was preparing to go to a nightclub.
Enzo couldn’t find the right way to comprehend what Manny might be feeling having never lost a mate, but he knew that he didn’t have a mate, or she hasn’t turned yet because his wolf was not connected. Male wolves usually turned first at the ages of thirteen and wait from a month to five years to ‘feel’ their other half’s existence. It’s been twelve years and Enzo still hasn’t felt anything. It used to worry him but now he has made peace with Fate forgetting him, looking at Manny Enzo figured it was a blessing in disguise.


The jet landed on a strip which had another blue and green jet with a symbol from the Eclipse pack, their members were getting off and Enzo counted about ten people in total.
“Beta Enzo!” Turning to this right Enzo noticed the Alpha of Eclipse walking towards him. The two packs were very close to each other. They were both from the same country, it was a vast country with lots of land so the packs lived in harmony.
“Alpha Elisha,” Enzo bowed his head to the Alpha as a sign of respect. “You’re going to the ball?” He enquired.
“Yes, my Beta and my parents insisted that I make the trip.” Enzo and Alpha Elisha started making their way to the small airport exit.  “I felt my mate about two years ago and since then I’ve been going to packs to try and find her, then about eight months ago I kinda stopped feeling her and thought maybe she'd died." Elisha explained, remembering the way his heart turned to lead when he couldn't feel her. "Then about five days ago I felt her soul again. Maybe this is where fate will play a part.”
Enzo wished he felt the same way, or at least knew that the soul was out there somewhere.
“What if she’s sixteen?” Elisha continued, wanting an ear to listen to him and an ear he could trust. “That’s all that keeps running through my mind, I’m twenty one man I don’t need a teenager, I’m ready to be with my intended.”
Not knowing what to say, Enzo simply nodded. “Had we known that you’ll was traveling here we could have used one jet because there’s only four of us here.”
Kwame didn’t want anyone else to go, trusting his Beta to see if it was an occasion which they can trust to bring other members in the future.

Alpha Elisha nodded, wondering why his neighbors didn’t bring in more people. Knowing better than to pry he kept his thoughts to himself.
Leaving the airport, they had two Range Rovers rented for their stay. Enzo expected them to leave tomorrow morning and didn’t plan on unpacking. Taking the time to appreciate the green scenery and the sky scrapers that popped up in between as they took the forty minute drive to the hotel.

Arriving at the hotel, Enzo and his entourage went into the reception, greeted by a human who handed him four keys which he distributed to the guys with him and they proceeded to the elevator, selecting the tenth floor they awaited the elevator to get to the floor.

Entering his room Enzo let his eyes run through the dove grey themed bachelor pad, with a mini kitchen and a black L shaped couch facing a king sized bed with a wide fluffy grey and black rug in between. Adjacent to the couch was a flat screen TV.

Walking across the room he passed a door that he assumed led to the bathroom and approached the floor to ceiling glass wall. It offered a mesmerising view of the city he was in. He could see the greenery further down and assumed that’s where the pack was.

With two hours before the damn ball Enzo decided to take a shower and get ready.


This chapter is a little bit on the short side but it's fine because the ball is next!

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