Chapter 4

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Kathrine and Anne were in the ladies bathroom, Anne was giggling her eyes glazed over from what could only be translated as happiness.

"You let him mark you!" Katherine exclaimed she was shocked to say the least. Mates generally did mark each other within a week of meeting and anything more than that was looked down upon in her pack, but Kathy could be honest and say that she was surprised that it only took her friend thirty minutes.

"Girl, I couldn't have stopped him even if I wanted to!" gushed Anne. "The honesty is that I didn't want him to stop. As soon as we entered what I think is his room he just kissed me and he went down my neck and BAM!" Katherine jumped as her friend had her immersed in her story telling. "His teeth were all inside me." Anne ended her story with love in her eyes.

Kathy sighed, happy for her friend. "Well where is he now? Aren't newly mated mates supposed to find it hard to be away from each other?"

"His Alpha requested his presence via mind link and even then he had a hard time leaving, but I suppose when duty calls."

"And what about your family," Kathy enquired. "Have you told them yet?"

"Oh! I haven't. I need to find my phone since they're too far for me to even mind link." With that Anne was gone, leaving Kathy in the bathroom absorbed in thoughts of self-pity.

Kathy didn't have her wolf and therefore she knew that she wouldn't find her mate because she didn't have one. She's resigned herself to the fact and has made peace. Or at least she thought she had but everywhere in the ballroom people were finding their destined ones and each time someone looked at her and nothing passed between them her heart broke even more.

That was why she was hiding in the bathroom. No expectations there.

Another ten minutes passed before Anne came back and found Kathy right where she left her to tell her family of finding her mate and not coming back with the rest of the pack. She'll return in a week's time to get her belongings.

"Kathy? What are you doing here?" Anne questioned. Even back in the pack Kathy was quiet and never really socialised. She didn't complete high school and Anne never thought the girl was such an easy going person until this trip happened.

"Oh! Nothing," Kathy muttered.

"You're not going to waste a gorgeous dress hiding in the bathrooms, come on let's go socialise."

Anne pulled Kathy and dragged her out of the bathroom stall and in front of the mirrors.

"Look at yourself Kathy." Anne said softly. "You're beautiful and there's no reason for you to be hiding in here."

Kathy took the time to actually look at herself. The outfit she had initially planned to wear was almost ripped apart by Anne when she saw the black flare out skirt and the white blouse.

"There is no way you're wearing this." Anne had said, turning up her noise at the outfit.

"Well unless you are okay with me wearing jeans then this will have to do."

"Nope, I can give you one of my dresses." Anne suggested like it was the smartest idea. Giving Katherine a once over she was satisfied that they were the same size. "I brought five dresses with me."

"Five? How did you fit all of them into your bag," Katherine asked. Anne's brother the Beta had checked that no one brought more than what was necessary.

"Something called suction power." Anne whispered with a naughty glint in her eye. Choosing not to question the girl any further Kathy put down her skirt.

"Okay, so what do you have that could look nice on me?"

Opening up her luggage bag, Kathy understood what she meant by suction power. Anne had about a dozen vacuum bags in her luggage holding her clothes. She proceeded to take out five bags. Figuring these were the dresses Anne was talking about Kathy tried to analyse them but with the dresses flattened she couldn't make out anything.

"Choose a colour." Anne prompted.

"Just like that," Kathy asked.

"Yes, don't overthink it. All these are beautiful dresses just pick a colour."

Giving Anne a sceptical look, Kathy turned her attention to the dresses again. One was black, two were red and another one was green and with what looked like white flowers and the last one was a dark blue.

"Red," Kathy asked unsure.

"Which red dress do you want?"

"The first one," Kathy answered.

"Good choice," Anne commented. She was excited to see Kathy's reaction.

Without allowing Kathy the opportunity to see what she had chosen, Anne pushed her friend down a chair and faced her away from the mirror. "I'm going to work magic on you." She muttered under her breath as she applied primer on Kathy's face, getting ready to make magic on her face and her hair.

"Okay, close your eyes and stand up from the chair," Anne instructed. Guiding her to the middle of the room Anne took off the robe Kathy had on.

"Anne!" Kathy exclaimed trying to cover herself up again.

"Kathy stop," Anne said slapping her hands away from her robe. "You're beautiful and you don't need to hide your body from me. Now keep your eyes closed."

Kathy nodded her head and relaxed, she had no reason to hide from her friend.

"Now, I need to take off your bra for the dress. I think you'll is a fine, but will you be comfortable?"

"Yes, just do it." Kathy muttered.

Anne set to putting Kathy in a dress and putting her feet in heels taken from Kathy's wardrobe, thankful that she had her toenails painted a beige colour. Anne turned her towards the mirror, it was long enough to show her entire body.

"Okay, now you can open eyes."

Kathy took a second before she opened eyes. Not wanting to see her face first she looked at her feet she noted her gold heels. Looking further up she felt more than saw the satin clothe of her dress. It was mermaid style hugging her body and flaring out just after passing knees, it had spaghetti straps and a deep cut that accentuated her small breasts. Turning around she saw the back of the dress had a criss cross with thin straps.

Looking back at her face she gasped, Anne had done wonders to her face she hardly recognized herself, her blonde hair was in curls that reached her shoulders and her make up was far from her expertise. Eyebrows were painted gold to match her shoes with long fake lashes that made her grey eyes pop. Red lip finished off her look.

"Oh Anne," Kathy whispered, afraid that moving too much will ruin her look and her Cinderella moment will be over.

"Told you all my dresses are nice," Anne commented with a smug smile on her face.

"Okay, give me fifteen minutes to get dressed and look pretty. I'm picking the other red dress so we'll match!" Anne announced with a grin.

Getting back to the present moment Kathy remembered her awkwardness with people. "I'm not good at new places Anne."

"Well I'm- "


"Sorry, that was Peter mind linking me, he says we need to go back inside the ballroom. He's with his Alpha addressing some matters."

Anne took Kathy's hand and led her out of the bathroom and into the hallway away from the pathway Kathy had used. Passing the entrance which they'd used earlier to enter the pack house Kathy stumbled into a stop. A scent more familiar than any other she'd encountered in this trip hit her.

"Kathy?" Anne enquired.

"Sorry," Kathy said shaking her head. "I thought I recognised someone but it's probably my mind playing tricks."

Anne stopped Kathy near the entrance of the ballroom.

"Who did you think you recognized? Your mate?" Anne smiled at the prospect.

"No, nothing like that. No mates in sight." Kathy drawled out. She wasn't worried about that. "Just something else, come on you said we must socialise."


Enzo felt the Alpha power directed at the lady cowering under the demand.

"Noel, please don't make me." Ruth whimpered.

"Ruth, it's the truth. Just tell him." Noel softly told his sister.

Looking back at the man who is supposed to be her mate Ruth felt the demand to speak the truth.

"Brad was not my mate." She whispered out but it was clearly heard by all the sensitive ears in the room.

As Elisha untied his blazer and sat back, he allowed his wolf to wreck havoc in his mind for a minute before taking charge and listening to the conversation around him.

"Ruth, what do you mean he's not your mate?"

"Do I have to do this?" Ruth asked looking at the Beta, turned second older brother, who was now just standing next to her and offering silent support.

"Yes." Elisha answered.

Refusing to look at her mate Ruth turned to her brother who in turn raised his brow in question, confusion clear in his eyes.

"We were in love okay," Ruth exasperated. She always knew how to royally fuck up. "I had a huge crush on him and well I wanted to be his mate so bad the thought that I was felt real."

Elisha couldn't hold back his growl. What he was listening to was unheard of to him.

"I wanted to be with him, so I lied to you and the pack. He told me that was the only way we could be together. So I told everyone," Ruth whispered. Looking at her mate she felt her wolf be at peace after raging a war against for the past few months. The wolf had objected to the mating bond from the on set.

"Why would you do that Ruth? What if Brendan had found his mate while he was with you?" Noel asked, flabbergasted at the new information he had been presented.

"That wouldn't have been an issue," Ruth whispered.

"And how could you know?" Elisha enquired, his mate scent was not pure to him anymore. It was not right.

"His mate died a week after they met, and he hadn't told his pack. So when he introduced me to them I was all they knew, apart from the pack Beta."

Enzo couldn't believe the telenovela he had stepped into. He couldn't have imagined this in his wildest dreams. These people were playing games with what they had been entrusted with. Very few species get to meet their soul mate and they were playing with it. He was angered, but he wanted to be there for Elisha to make sure he didn't do anything drastic.

Enzo's attention was drawn back to the Alpha when he sighed. He seemed defeated by the situation. Turning his attention back to Ruth he could accept that the lady was beautiful in her black dress and her face was etched with what can be described as self hate.

"Well Alpha Elisha, this is news to me as it is to you," Noel stated. "She is my sister though and I will protect her, if you choose to reject her I will not hold it against you."

Elisha was shaking his head before Noel had even finished his sentence.

"No, I can't do that. I accept her as my mate." Elisha looked at his mate making sure she understood. "Flaws and all."


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