(1.15) The One With The Stoned Guy

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Chandler walked into the coffee house where the rest of us were gathered ready to announce something.
"So, it's a typical day at the office, I'm inputting my numbers. And Big Al calls me into his office and tells me he wants to make me processing supervisor."
Everyone cheered at the news. "Congratulations," a few of us yelled in unison.
"So... I quit." Chandler kept his smile, while the rest of our expressions faded into confusion.
"Why?" Monica and I asked at the same time, an identically puzzled look on our faces.
"Why? This was supposed to be a temp job. If I took this promotion, it'd be like admitting that this is what I actually do!" Chandler explained.
"So what do you want to do?" I questioned him.
"I don't know what I want to do. But I know I won't figure it out while I'm working there."
"Oh!" Phoebe piped up. "I've got something you can do! My massage client, Steve, he's opening up a restaurant and he's looking for a head chef!"
Monica awkwardly tapped Phoebe on the shoulder. "Um... hi there."
"Hi! Oh, I know, you're a chef. And I thought of you first. But Chandler's the one who needs a job right now, so..."
"I just don't have a lot of cheffing experience. Unless it's an all toast restaurant."
"Okay." Phoebe shrugged, before turning to Monica. "Oh, Monica! Guess what!"


We were all sat around Monica's apartment when my brother swung the door open and wandered in. His clothes were askew and his hair was messy and his eyes were tired.
"Christ. What happened to you?" I asked.
"Eight and a half hours of aptitude tests, intelligence tests, personality tests, and what do I learn? 'You are ideally suited for a career in data processing for a large multinational corporation'."
"That's so great, because you already know how to do that!" Phoebe grinned but my brother wasn't impressed.
"Can you believe it? Don't I seem like somebody who should be doing something really cool?" Chandler ranted.


I lay on my bed listening to music and decided to get up for lunch.
I flicked off the stereo and opened to my bedroom door, but stood still and listened to the confusing scene in front of me.

"I want to take and my tongue, and uh," I raised my eyebrows at Ross' words.
He was stood directly behind Joey with his eyes closed.
"Say it." Joey ordered.
"And uh, run it all over your body until your trembling with..."
I couldn't contain my laughter and giggled aloud, causing them both to spin around with eyes like saucers.
"With?" I pushed them to continue through laughter.

We were interrupted as my brother came out of the room speaking on the phone.
"Look, this isn't about the money, I need something that's more than just a job." My brother paused me for a second, deep in thought. "And that's on top of the end of year bonus structure?"
I rolled my eyes at the fact my brother was considering this offer.
"Look, Al! This is not a negotiation! This is a rejection! No, no. Stop saying numbers! I'll see you Monday!"
Chandler hung up the phone and Joey, Ross and I shook our heads in unison.


"You don't want to work for a guy like that anyway. You'll get there. You're an amazing chef." I told Monica back in the coffee house.
She'd just finished telling us about how the guy had turned up stoned and how he behaved completely disrespectfully.
"Thanks, Roxie." She smiled.

A/N: I'm not going to give a date for when the next chapter will be as I'm going through some stressful personal stuff at the minute.

BUT the next chapter will be a long one (this one was short and boring, sorry) as I'm going to merge two episode into one chapter.

Thank you all for reading as usual. Please remember to vote!

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