Part 1

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The rain harshly pelts down on the car, almost obstructing his view from the boy he's intently watching from a distance. Excitement is rushing through his veins at the thought of finally taking their baby home. After months of waiting and watching him, the day has finally arrived to complete their family. It was a little over a year ago when they all realized they were missing something in their relationship and after a lot of discussions they came on the topic of littles.

At first, they tried to see if any of them could be a little, but they had no such luck since all of them identified themselves as caregivers. So of course, they only had one thing left to do and that was to look for someone outside of their group. They made a list of requirements that their little had to have. For example, it had to be a boy, no younger than 16 years old, he had to be kind and innocent and of course they all had to approve of him. There are more requirements on the list, but the one Jin found the most important is the one that said their baby had to have a bad life. This way they could 'save' him from his life and give him a good one as their baby. It took some time before they finally found the angel called Yoongi.

The boy immediately captivated them with his beauty and his kindness. As they watched they found out that the boy is quite lonely and fulfilled the requirement that Jin found so important. Once they found Yoongi, they started preparing. It was difficult for them to keep their patience when they saw him being treated badly or when he showed up to his school with a new bruise on his body. They had to wait before they could finally embrace him in their arms and comfort him as he deserves. Now that finally everything is prepared, today is the day that they will save Yoongi. Jin watches closely from his car as the boy he is watching starts to sprint through the rain. It's time.

Yoongi is standing at the entrance of his school looking despondently at the rain that's falling down. He had to stay behind, after classes were over, to help a teacher. Since then it's started to rain, and it has become quite dark. He has no umbrella, so he wanted to wait until the rain let up a bit, but it seems like that won't happen anytime soon. Yoongi sighs as he starts to prepare to run through the rain. He just hoped the little bit of money in his pocket stayed dry enough so he could buy some food on the way home. It took him quite some effort to scrounge up enough money to buy something for dinner. He managed to get enough to buy some cheap kimbap from the convenience store.

He keeps one of his hands on the pocket containing the money in the hope it would help keeping it dry, as he starts to run to the convenience store. By the time he reaches the store, he's already soaking wet. He quickly checks the money and to his relieve it's still dry. He enters the store and he sees the cashier giving him a disdainful look, so he quickly looks down to the ground as he starts to speedily walk to the right aisle. It seems he's the only one in the store and he doesn't mind one bit. It just means that there will be less looks thrown his way. He's used to the looks, but it doesn't mean it hurts any less.

He quickly picks out some kimbap. He needs to hurry and get home before his uncle gets home. He could really do without the abuse of his uncle today. He misses the way his life was before he started to live with his uncle. Not that he had any choice in the matter since his parents died and his uncle is the only relative he has. It quickly became apparent that his uncle didn't care about Yoongi and didn't want to take him in. The only thing his uncle was happy about is that he got a child welfare check every month. Of course, Yoongi never saw a dime of the money since his uncle happily spend it on booze and the like.

In any case he needed to hurry. He quickly walks towards the cashier and puts his kimbap down. He tries not to look at the cashier, but he can feel his gaze bore into Yoongi. ''Are you happy now you little rat. Dragging all the rain in here, giving me more work to do. Such a rude little rat you are.'' The voice of the cashier startles him and he looks up at him only to be met by an angry gaze. ''I-I'm s-sorry s-sir. I didn't m-mean to. I-I'll c-clean it up.'' ''And making me look at you longer, hell no! Get out of here you rat.'' Yoongi startles at the tone. He quickly takes out the money and puts it down before grabbing his kimbap. ''S-sorry s-sir.'' He quickly turns around and exits the store.

Once he's outside he takes some time to calm down as he hugs his own body. 'If only someone else would give me a hug for once.' Yoongi quickly shakes away the thought since it would not help calm him down. He needed to get home. Before he could start to run into the rain again however, the cashier from the store comes outside. ''Why are you still here! Get out of here!'' The cashier makes a shooing motion and startles Yoongi enough to make him drop the kimbap.

He quickly picks it up again and hugs the kimbap to his chest. He'll have to look when he's home if the packaging is still intact. ''S-sorry sir.'' Yoongi quickly scrambles away and starts to run again. Neither of the men notice the man in the car quietly observing them. As Yoongi starts to run, the car quietly follows going unnoticed by Yoongi.

It's when Yoongi runs past an alley that things are set in motion. A pair of arms grabs Yoongi tightly and drags him into the alley. Before he can scream a cloth is pushed on his mouth and nose. He tries to hold his breath while trying to fight against the arms holding him. ''Shh it's okay baby. It's time for a little nap before we take you home.'' Yoongi can feel his body getting weaker as he tries to keep fighting. Tears are running down his cheeks while the unfamiliar voice keeps cooing at him. In the corner of his eyes he can see a car stop in front of the alley. ''Ah it looks like your eomma has arrived baby. Now we can finally go home.''

When he first saw the car, he had hope that he would be saved, but after what the stranger said that hope is quickly crushed. He doesn't understand what the stranger is talking about, but he's unable to really think anymore as his eyes start to get heavier and heavier. ''Good boy. Sweet dreams baby.'' He can vaguely feel a pair of lips on the top of his head before everything turns black.

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