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(Don't play the song yet)

"Ugh. My head hurts." I say as I wake up.

"You passed out. You haven't had anything to drink since we left, which was 2 days ago. You need some water." Jacob says holding my head up.

"Ok.....i think I saw a stream over there. Help me up..." I say weakly.

"Ok." He says and helps me stand up. We walk through the trees until we see a small stream. I open my thermos and fill it up after drinking a ton of the fresh, running, cold water.

"That feels so much better. Let's go." I say. He nods, filling his own thermos.

We start walking again, on this journey.

"Where are we?"

"In the woods Jacob. I thought you'd realize that by now!! This is why i didn't want you along." I say shaking my head.

"Well I'm sorry that i didn't want you to die alone because I love you an di can't lose you!!!" He screams at me.

"Jacob you don't even know the real meaning of love!!!! You just know that there's someone in one of those villages with the mark that goes along with yours!!! You don't know what love feels like!!! You don't know what rejection or not fitting in!!! You don't understand a single fucking bit of it and never will!!!! You only know the feeling of having the perfect soulmate, the perfect life, and everything planned out for you due to having a mark!!!" I scream, breaking into tears.

"Just turn back and leave me be. Go back to that fake ass village and live the perfect life. And don't bother with me." I say and walk away, leaving him shocked.

Jacob POV (play the song now)

She walked away in tears. I was shocked. She was right. I did have everything planned out for me, and she doesn't. She has been rejected her whole life and doesn't fit in.

I should follow her, but i cant bring myself to do it. She was right. I should just turn back.

I walk back towards the direction of the village, doing what she says.


I was hoping he would follow me like usual, but this time he actually leaves. I sit beside a tree and let it out.

I sob, I cry as hard as i ever have, I just let the tears fall as they please, rolling down my cheeks, falling off my face, some hitting my outfit, others falling to the ground.

My wrist is itching again so i scratch it and look at it. Now not only id it red and has a bump, it has a small print in the bump. Kinda like when you first get a tattoo and the skin is kinda risen up.

What is happening to me?.......

I decide to continue my journey and keep walking.

Meanwhile in Jacob's POV

I can hear her sobbing, but I can't do anything. She doesn't even want me in his life anymore.

I see her scratching her wrist again and get up. I decide, I don't care what she says. I'm gonna go with her whether she likes it or not.

"ARI!!!!!" i yell and start running to her.


"ARI!!!!!" I hear jacob yell.

I turn around and see him running back towards me. "I thought you were going back to the village where you belong." I say flatly.

"Nope. I've already made it this far with you. I'm finishing this journey." He says. He opens his backpack and tosses me the anti itch cream.

"Thanks." I say and put some on my wrist.

"What is happening to your wrist?" He asks.

"I don't know." I say and rub the cream in and hand the tube back to him.

"It's looking worse." He says.

"Yea....." I say and we keep walking until we reach a small clearing, and it's reaching dark.

"Wanna go to sleep here?" He asks.

"Yea. Sure." I say and take my backpack off.

"Hey you ok?" Jacob asks me.

"Ya. Im fine." I say. But im scared. I'm scared of what could be happening to my wrist. Am I slowly dying?

"Ari!! You spaced out. Look at me. Are you ok?" He asks and grabs my shoulders.

"I'm just scared of what's happening to me. I mean, am i slowly dying? Maybe when my mom injected me with the serum that makes it where nobody can see my mark, I slowly started dying?" I blurt out. I instantly slap my hand over my mouth.

"What?" He asks confused.

"Um....i found out that the night before my 13th birthday, may mom injected me with a serum, to where I'll never know who my soulmate is. I'll never know who my true love is." I explain.

"So you have a soulmate, but you have no idea who it is?" He asks.

"That is correct." I respond.

"Dang. That's sad." He says.

"Yea. And i think, if I can get that serum, and somehow give it to everyone, we can return this world back to how it used to be. I've had dreams about that. I've heard about how the world was.

"When i was in the library, I saw a book. The council created a serum that gave everyone marks, but also a serum that can take them away. They finished it in 2027. So that happened 45 years ago. (So it's the year 2072)

"Back before the serum, we all had to search our whole life for who we love no matter what. And they went through pain, hardships, and heartbreak, but most people found the one. And I want that." I say.

"Wow. That sounds like an adventure. Let's do it." He says.

"We find the serum, duplicate it, and create it to gas to get rid of all marks. And we destroy any traces of the original serum." I say smirking.

"Its a plan. The chemical sheds are in sunville, the 6th village. So we go there, find them, and go through with the plan." He says.

"This is the perfect plan." I say. "Now lets get some sleep before we go through with the plan." I say and he nods. We lay down and slowly drift to sleep.


Ello, y'all like this? Y'all wonder what is happening to Ari? Y'all think it'd all gonna work? Comment!!!!

rejection || jacob tremblayTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang