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The knife sinks deep into the torso of the terrified acolyte, a gasp leaving his mouth as he slumps to the floor. The thud, created as the body hits the ground, echoes through the cave.

Seeing this, the held captive woman screams out, trashing against her restrains.

The witch cackles, licking the blood from her knife as she looks back to the entrance of the chamber.

The horrifying visage emanating from her being, coursing through the veins of the heroes, as they catch eye contact with the apparent sea hag.

The terror seems to take hold onto Wooyoung, Yeosang and Mingi as they start trembling in their place. Eyes glazed over as what seems like dark seaweed cover their eyes from within. The witch having a hold on them.

She lets out an evil laugh and a raspy, dry, high voice, as if from an old woman, fills the air surrounding them.

"What do we have here? New toys?"

She grins widely at the party, the corners of her mouth going even wider than humanly possible. It's very unsettling.

The witch turns around fully. Slimy scales covering her pallid skin. Hair resembling seaweed covers her emaciated body, and her glassy eyes seem as lifeless as a doll's. Fingers long and pointy, like claws, point towards the group.

"Come on then... let's play," she growls, licking her lips at the sight of the new prey.

Hongjoong is the first to react as he dashes forward towards the ugly creature. Shield and longsword at the ready. He holds the sword up high, and slashes at her.

The witch tries to dodge, but does so just too late as the sword slashes her arm. Black liquid starts to cover the wound. The witch hisses the at pain, as a second strike comes her way.

Making a diagonal arc from hip to shoulder. However, the stench of the creature hits Hongjoongs nose, giving the witch enough time to catch the sword with her massive claws.

Hongjoong quickly jerks away from her. Having the witch distracted, Jongho takes the opportunity to strike from behind. He uses his staff to strike her in the kneecap.

Flanking with Hongjoong, the creature finds it difficult to keep her attention to both. Enabling Jongho to find purchase. The hag stumbles a bit, before being targeted by 2 extra punches from the strong man.

One punch lands on her shoulder and the other straight on her spine. The hag screams in pain.

"You are more than toys I see," she hisses through the pain. Seemingly amused.

Wooyoung and Yeosang both stand still in fear. They try to aim at the witch, but both the fire bolt and arrow miss miserably. They try to shake off the hold the witch has on them.

However the fear still holds them in place, unable to free their minds.

San however runs straight towards the hag, both daggers at the ready. He slides through her legs, slashing both limbs.

Multiple cuts and bruises appear on the hag, as the three men start to surround the filthy creature.

She growls in anger as she goes to swipe with her claws at the newly joined rogue. San still on the floor after sliding between her legs, see the claw coming and tries to roll out of the way.

The claw however manages to scrape across his back, tearing his cloak and clothes underneath. Three gaping wound have appeared on his back as blood starts to trickle out, staining his attire.

San hisses in pain, rolling out of the way from a second attack, he feels the throbbing and heat from his fresh wounds. His jaw clenches and his grip around the daggers tighten.

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