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A bell rang above Logan Berry's head as he walked into the cafe. He looked around, checking for other civilians. Luckily, there was only one person, he could easily slip a forget me not potion in his drink if he messed up.

Logan looked at the shop counter, he saw his boyfriend, Remy Dozer, leaning on the counter in boredom.

Logan and Remy worked in a cafe that they owned. Nobody knew the shop's secret ingredients in healing drinks, because no one would ever believe them. The two of them were witches, the only witches in town as far as they knew.

Remy looked up when Logan entered the shop, a sparkle in his amber eyes.

"I was hoping I would see you here today," Remy whined playfully as Logan walked up to the counter. "Business is super slow."

Logan smirked and kissed Remy on the cheek. "You know my order."

Remy gave Logan a wink, then turned around to brew up Logan's drink, a concentration potion, his favourite. Remy pulled a few fake levers on a brewer to make it seem like it was a normal coffee machine in a cafe. But behind the big machine was a large contraption built into the faux machine with long, glass tubes flowing with colourful liquid and magical herbs.

Logan and Remy studied potions, they were always discovering something new. Logan often brewed the potions and Remy was always up to test them. They were best friends until Remy attempted to make Logan a love potion, it worked, however, it was ineffective because Logan already loved him. The two always wanted to use their potions for good things, and secretly gave them to non-believers in their cafe.

Logan was certain that he and his boyfriend were the only witches in their small town. Witchcraft was viewed as dark magic in their town, it is allegedly used to do awful things, but that wasn't what it was, it was spiritual, down to earth magic. Many people who don't believe in witchcraft use many potion ingredients without being aware of it. Because people are so harsh to witches, they have to go into hiding, so it's difficult to find a witch walking in public.

Remy finished up Logan's drink and poured it in a small, white teacup. He handed it to Logan and gave him another wink. Logan took a sip of the potion, which usually tasted of cold mint, however, Logan could taste the sweetness of rose petals.

"Darling, you don't need to keep giving me love potions for me to stay head over heels for you." Logan leaned on the counter next to Remy. "But the rose petals are a nice addition, thank you."

The customer that sat at a table was just getting up to leave, and both of them noticed how they froze.

"Potions?" The customer asked, with an expression that could have many meanings. "Do you practice...?"

"Oh no..." Remy whispered and Logan was already pulling a small drawstring bag out of his pocket.

Logan opened the small pouch, pouring out a small handful of blue, sparkly dust. He held it in his hand and took a microscopic step towards the confused customer.

"No, wait I'm-" The customer was about to mention something, but Logan had already thrown the blue dust in the customer's face. Their purple and black hair was now painted with crushed forget-me-not petals. The customer blinked a few times, realizing he was staring at Logan and Remy.

"Sorry, was I talking to you?" The person asked.

Logan and Remy both shook their heads in denial.

The customer appeared confused and continued walking out the glass door

Logan and Remy talked for a while until it started to rain.

"I better go before it starts pouring, I'll see you tonight." Logan quickly pressed his lips to Remy's and headed out the door.

Logan pulled out a dark blue umbrella, the rain was already pouring down on the cobblestone roads. His and Remy's apartment wasn't too far of a walk from their cafe.

. . .

The rain had calmed down, it was still spitting a bit, but it was enough that Logan could prepare potion ingredients on the balcony. He had a small table next to the sliding glass door, on that table were a few baskets of herbs and flowers. Logan was grinding some herbs in a mortar. Logan heard the glass door slide open.

"I'm home, babe," Remy poked his head out, admiring Logan's focus. Logan looked up from his work, giving Remy a smile.

The sun had started to set, it was running a purple and pink colour, which warmed the back of Logan's neck.

Remy sneaked behind Logan, wrapping his arms around his waist and resting his chin on Logan's shoulder. Logan jumped a little bit at the touch, but continued working.

"Do you need help?" Remy asked, noticing Logan hesitantly grind more herbs.

"Please." Logan let out a shaky breath, "I know this isn't supposed to be complicated but I-"

"Hey... it's ok... here," Remy put his hands on Logan's, helping him to mix the herbs and flower petals.

"Don't mix the petals so roughly, flowers are more delicate than leaves and stems." Remy smiled up at Logan and briefly pressed his lips to his boyfriend's. Logan smiled, a sparkle in his eyes.

"I think I'll do the rest tomorrow, when the moon is full," Logan sighed and cleaned his workspace, "I'll make dinner tonight, you go take a nap."

"You know me too well," Remy winked and headed indoors.

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