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(A/N) TW for backstories, they are a bit... tragic.


Virgil picked his bag back up and headed out the tall, glass door. That was strange, what felt like a few seconds had been 2 minutes. Virgil walked around the corner, looking back through the cafe windows. The owner's dressed... oddly, but not in a way that makes them look bad, it was a casual, yet, suspicious clothing style.

One man wore dark jeans, a white collared shirt with a thin, blue vest. A locket and a crystal hung around his neck on a thin chain. He wore thick glasses and had dark, brown hair.

The other male, who appeared to be this man's boyfriend, wore a brown turtle-neck and a black leather jacket over top. He had a vibrant green crystal around his neck and sunglasses perched on top of his warm, burgundy-brown hair.

Virgil squinted his dark eyes in suspicion but continued walking around the corner to a narrow alleyway. Leaning against a fence was a black broomstick decorated with purple stars. Virgil grabbed the thick knob at the tip of the broom and placed one foot on a footrest weaved into the dark straw. Virgil took a deep breath and closed his eyes.

He felt a breeze that soon turned into a gust of wind that blew upwards. Virgil placed his other foot on the second footrest and the broom bolted into the air. As he flew higher into the sky, he pointed the broom down so it flew straight forward, and Virgil seated himself gently on the broomstick, still gripping the knob at the tip. He didn't have the hand stability to cast an invisibility spell on himself while he was flying, so Virgil could only hope that he wouldn't be spotted.

Virgil looked down over the small town, scanning for his home. Once he spotted it, he flew diagonally downwards, towards a cave in a small mountain just a little ways away from the town. The ground neared closer and closer until Virgil was at the foot of the mountain and the entrance to the cave, he sharply steered his path into the small cave.

The rocky silver walls of the cave faded into crystals that glowed in the stone of the inner mountain.

"Virgil! There you are." A voice echoed in the cave, along with the sound of a running waterfall.

Virgil looked over to the waterfall and calm running stream to see Roman and Remus King, broomsticks in hand. Virgil steered over to them and landed his feet on the ground.

"We were just going to head out for a ride," Roman said, getting on his broom, Remus did the same.

"Janus and Patton are making supper," Remus mentioned, giving Virgil a two-finger salute as the two of them flew through the cave.

"Be careful!" Virgil called after them.

Virgil walked over to the waterfall and snuck behind it. Behind the waterfall revealed a smaller portion of the cave that was civilized by five people. There were a few torches mounted to the stone and a bonfire in the middle of the cave. It was colourfully lit by the reflection of the crystals on the ceilings and walls. Virgil walked through to a rather large tent and leaned his broom next to the doorway of the shelter where two other brooms sat.

"Virgil!" Someone greeted. Virgil turned around hearing footsteps coming towards him. He felt a pair of arms wrap around his shoulders. 

"Patt, I was only gone for a little while," Virgil laughed.

"You know that anything could happen in that time!" Patton released Virgil from his bear hug.

Virgil forced a smile, he had been trying to get himself out and around town. He often stayed in the cave and worried if anyone went outside, so he was trying to distract himself.

"I'm glad you went outside today, it's better for your anxiety," the last of the group, Janus, put a hand on Virgil's shoulder.

"So, what's for supper?" Virgil asked.

The three of them were alone for a few hours, chatting and making dinner. When the twins, Roman and Remus, came back with materials and ingredients, everyone had supper and then split off to do things on their own.

The group of friends all had their own history. Each of them were witches and practiced witchcraft together.

Roman and Remus King were twin brothers. Their parents passed away mysteriously when they were in high school. They are descended from a long, old line of witches, Roman takes him and his brothers family history very seriously, however, Remus can seem like he barely cares sometimes. Roman wore a crimson sweater and a black blazer over top, he often wore a red and white, striped scarf and red cloak when he went out. He wore protective goggles on his bronze hair when he went out as well. Remus wore a black and green striped turtle-neck and wore black, leather, fingerless gloves.

Patton Foster often watched over the twins, making sure they didn't get into trouble. Patton wasn't born into a family of witches, he had met Roman and Remus's parents when he was younger and started practicing witchcraft with the twins' family. Patton's parents found out about this, kicking him out of the house in fear of being bewitched. He has no idea where they would be now without Roman and Remus because he had almost become a brother to Roman and Remus. They protected each other. Patton wore a grey collared shirt with a light blue scarf around his neck. He wore round glasses on his freckled nose and had dark blonde, curly hair that was long enough to be tied back in a little ponytail.

Janus and Patton very obviously had something with each other, but never confessed anything to anyone. Janus Vermin was the oldest of the group, the secondary leader. He is the most mysterious, no one is entirely sure where he came from because he's an orphan. One side of his face is covered in scars that he has had since he can remember, which might explain why he's orphaned. He wore a yellow and dark blue plaid blazer over a white shirt that had large holes around the collar. Around his neck were a white crystal and a loose, black choker. His warm brown hair was curled at the ends and brushed the tops of his ears.

Lastly, there was Virgil Black. He was the primary leader, although he felt that his title should be switched with Janus'. All of his life he had been running, from what, he could not remember. He knew he had parents, somewhere in the timeline, he just barely remembered them. His instinct was always to run, but he made it to his current small town, meeting everyone else, and building a home in this cave of crystals. The cave was easy to find, it had been a mine centuries before, but there were still crystals left, hidden behind the waterfall, which was hard to find. Virgil was very protective, always careful, and made sure everyone was hidden as much as possible. Virgil wore a light purple, long-sleeved shirt with a black cardigan on top. He wore two necklaces, one spider necklace, and an alder crystal. His black and purple hair draped over his right eye.

That completed the group. They lived together, protecting one another from violent non-believers, the ones who kill witches for being witches.

They grew their herbs and flowers, used the crystals around them to their advantage, and lived like a regular family. They were all that they had, each other.

Janus and Virgil had second helpings of their supper, Patton went off to do a ritual, and Roman and Remus sat around the fire.

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