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Virgil got up from eating supper and was about to go to bed until Janus stopped him.

"Virgil, turn around... let me see your hair," Janus said, suspicion in his voice.

"Um... okay..." Virgil turned around, allowing Janus to take a look at his hair.

Janus didn't usually go through Virgil's hair like this, it's not like Virgil's head was itchy with something. 

Janus gasped, and Virgil's heart stopped for a moment. It was a worried gasp. Janus didn't get worried so easily, so Virgil silently panicked.

"Forget-me-nots..." Janus breathed, "did you use your forget-me-not powder today??"

"Not that I... remember..." Virgil could've easily spilled it on himself when throwing it on another person.

"No... It's a well-ground powder... we don't have the tools to do that..." Janus observed a sample of dust on his fingers. Suddenly, Janus' eyes widened, which made Virgil even more anxious. "There's- no, it can't be..."

"What? WHAT!?" Virgil was nearly terrified, he'd never seen Janus so distraught.

"Could there be more witches in this town...?" Janus thought out loud.

Virgil tried to go through his brain to try and grasp a memory of when he would've possibly been splashed with forget-me-nots. He could see a very vague memory, but he couldn't hold on to it. Then it hit him. The boys in at the cafe.

"I think I met them..." Virgil muttered. Janus' head immediately looked up at Virgil.

"Tell me, who do you think it was?" Janus asked, brushing the dust out of Virgil's hair.

Virgil explained what they looked like, how they dressed, the cafe they owned, everything. Janus listened carefully.

"What's going on?" Roman stood next to Janus, with a concerned look on his face. Behind him, Remus ran around the bonfire with a twig he was using as a torch.

"Virgil may have encountered other witches," Janus explained to Roman after Virgil had finished describing them. Roman's eyes widened in surprise. "Virgil, I know it's a risky move, but I need you to try and find these suspected witches."

"Why do we need to find them so badly?" Virgil asked.

"To protect them. Witch trials still exist in this town, not as openly or as often. But we still need to keep them safe." Janus explained.

"And what if they throw forget-me-nots at me again?" Virgil worried.

"Listen..." Janus got down to a serious tone, "it's risky, but I need you to travel to them on your broom. Make it obvious that you practice magic. I will cast an invisibility spell for you for the journey there, to lift it, you just need to let yourself be seen."

"I'll go with Virgil." Roman piped up, but Janus shook his head.

"Roman, one person is risky enough, I'm sorry." Janus gestured for Virgil to get ready.

Virgil walked to get his broom, letting a shaky hand out to grasp it. He turned around to face Janus again.

"Are you really sure about this?" Virgil asked nervously, "Can't they just live their lives as they have been already?"

Janus nodded. They headed out from behind the waterfall and Janus cast the invisibility spell. Virgil flew out of the cave and into the golden sky painted with sunset.

It was getting chilly, the cold air ran through Virgil's hair. As he got closer to the town, dark clouds started to form over his head.

"No no no!" Virgil whispered to himself.

Virgil reached into his pocket to try and grab a crystal, but with how anxious he was, it slipped out of his hand, falling to the houses below. Virgil cursed under his breath and flew down to try and catch the crystal. He was only about 30 feet above the ground when he knew it was too late. He heard a small clink.

Virgil squinted to try and see where it landed. He saw a flicker of light bounce off the crystal, on a balcony. He cursed under his breath again, it's even riskier to try and grab the crystal from a civilized spot, but he slowly flew downwards anyways.


Remy heard a clink from the balcony. 

"Hail?" Remy muttered to himself, "We don't get it this early..."

He put down the coffee pot and turned to look at the balcony. He saw something on the floor, but it seemed too silver to be hail. He walked over and opened the door to the balcony, walking to pick up whatever had fallen.

He observed the silvery-blue thing and gasped.

"Logan, come here..." Remy called.

"What is it, love?" Logan walked up behind Remy, observing what he had in his hand.

They both observed what seemed to be a crystal, eyes widening.

"Sea salt?" Logan gasped.

"It fell from the sky..." Remy mentioned, "Could it be.... no that's impossible..."

Remy looked up into the sky but saw nothing unordinary.

"What? It's raining crystals?" Logan chuckled.

Remy tried to look for something in the sky again, squinting his eyes. They kept thinking of the most unordinary things, but there had to be some logical explanation.

"Oh well..." Remy shrugged and placed the sea salt crystal on the railing of the balcony.

"Dinner's almost ready," Logan kissed Remy on the cheek and headed back inside.

Remy stood watching the scenery for a moment. Watching the dark clouds forming over the town, removing the golden glow from the sunset and replacing it with a grey, gloomy tone.

"Too fast! AH!" Remy heard a voice from above him.

Remy jumped and frantically looked above him, but still seeing nothing.

Then, suddenly, he saw it. It oddly faded into his view. A man about his age, on a broomstick.

Before he knew it, the man was barrelling towards him, gaining speed, and then, crashing down onto the balcony. The broomstick snapped. The boy who was riding it flopped onto his back, groaning in pain. He looked up to the sky for a moment before his eyes fluttered closed.

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