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 (SORRY FOR LACK OF UPDATES. THIS WAS DUE TO A SLEEPOVER WITH UNSPECIFIED RELATIVES, A HOLIDAY, AND ME BEING LAZY.)                                                                                                                                     Y/N wakes up to the sound of the pilot's voice. He announces that their finally landing! It's been a long and boring time in the airplane and everybody's keen to get some fresh air from the foreign atmosphere. Y/N's vision is a bit blurry, she rubs her eyes. She looks out of the window to see another airport, similar to the one they took off from, just in a different landscape. Steven points out he can see the lighthouse over the horizon, and that means that we shouldn't be far from the hotel. Pearl phones a taxi with her new smartphone to come and pick them all up. The yellow vehicle comes to pick them up and they drive away. Within 20 minutes they have already been dropped off at their destination. Their room is on the third storey. There are 2 bedrooms, each with 3 beds, a flat-screen TV and a sofa.

They also have a kitchen and obviously, a bathroom ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°).  Y/N unpacks the suitcase that the Crystal Gems had packed for her. It had everything she needed. Sunblock, casual clothes and swimsuit, her favourite books, which had gone missing, and last but not least, her art supplies. Garnet suggested that they should explore the beach. They changed into their swimsuits and headed to the beach. It was blanketed with shells, seaweed and soft sand. The water was crystal clear and warm, and you could easily see sardines swimming in the shallows. Y/N and Steven did cannonballs into the ocean, soaking the others with saltwater. Amethyst pointed at a shape sticking out of the water. "Look!" Y/N takes a glance along with the others. A shark!? She grabs Bismuth in shock. It leaps out of the water, revealing itself to be a playful dolphin before diving back into the waves.

There are more! "It's a pod of dolphins!" Y/N cries. Bismuth throws a volleyball they won from a hook-a-duck competition and threw it to the dolphins. They playfully bounced it back. They played catch until the sun was dipping below the horizon and headed back to the hotel to change again. Y/N looks through the window with Bismuth. The sun and its surrounding atmosphere is crimson. "Reminds me of the Injector and Spinel." Bismuth contemplates. Once everyone has changed, they stroll into town. Its filled with games. Garnet wins at The Boxer. Pearl and Amethyst play a game of table hockey. Pearl wins and acts all salty about it. Then Y/N points out some colourful flashing lights. They all decide to investigate.

Its a funfair! There are bumper cars, which Garnet and Steven go on. Amethyst gets two helpings of extra large candyfloss. Pearl goes on a chair spinner, which are chairs that lift you off the ground and spin you around repeatedly. Bismuth and Y/N spot a ride titled 'The Ballerina'. It looks like a ballerina. Riders sit on the brim of the skirt and get spun around fast as the skirt is lifted at different angles. Bismuth hooted with laughter, so did Y/N, in a screamy kind of way. After an hour or so, they decide to head back to the hotel. You and Bismuth have a bed to share. You snuggle up to his warm body as you fall asleep, drifting into the world of dreams as the world plunges into darkness for the night.

Bismuth X Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now