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Sorry guys this is like the same chapter but changed a little bit cause I worked out how to do it without Brenda so, sorry if you get annoyed

After Newt had been tied up and bundled into the van Thomas sat behind Lawrence with the pistol across his lap "you care about him that much?"he said. Thomas turned "him and Teresa are my only friends""even after what she did to you?""yes,She will Always be my friend""what about Brenda? She cares about you you know" Thomas paused he had never thought about her like that. He just presumed that in the scorch she was pretending,that she was only acting on Wicked's orders. And did he think of her that way? Maybe. But what about Teresa? His brain said She likes you. Doesn't she? But the question is Do you like her? or do you like Brenda? Thomas didn't know.
Yeah so my chapters are short just think of this would you rather have a short chapter a couple of days after or would you prefer a long chapter a week later? Also I am kinda stuck until you guys comment on Thomesa or Trenda so come on I've got six reads but no comments so choose which one you prefer or comment anyway on any old thing Just one comment would make me so happy to know that someone cares.

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