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ok so because I am really lazy and the next couple of chapters are excatly the same in the book I'm not gonna bother writing them
Newt's POV

He lay in the back trussed up like a turkey. But alive. He was glad about that.

The tiny part of his brain not overrun with flare was glad. Glad to be alive.

Though he should've known Thomas couldn't do it.

He could hear him and Lawrence talking. Talking about him.

He was shocked to hear how much Thonas cared about him. But of course he had already lost Chuck.

The poor boy had already gone through the pain of having someone die in his arms.

He felt the same about Alby. Though with Alby it was all over in a flash no time to mourn and cry over him.

The conversation changed to Teresa and that girl,Brenda.

Newt wasn't sure if he liked her or not and was surprised hear Thomas refer to Teresa as his ''Freind''

Friends don't try to smash your face in with a bloody spear thought Newt

then in a roundabout way realized that was what he had asked Tommy to do.

sighing he settled down and unbelievably found himself being grasped by the quick fingers of sleep

No... He thought No...No I will stay AWAKE!

but no sooner than he had thought it he found himself falling into the deep cavern that was sleep

I wonder what Minho would think if he saw me kiss Tommy..........

was his last Flare consumed thought

Ok so I havn't updated in a while but for Four valid reasons

1) I have been waiting for you guys to comment on Thomesa or Trenda cause only one did (Thnx so much Gingersinjumpers!)

2) School has started again so I can't write nearly as much as I want to (though I did write this at lunch so I hope you're grateful!)

3) I Had to write this twice because wattpad glitched and deleted it

4) I have been Suuuuper busy cause I have a lot of after school activities and sometimes I just need to chill you know? I mean sonetimes I just don't feel like sitting down and writing.

so the last part was me trying to inject some humor into my book cause I just realized It is sooo boring! Tell me if you liked it. This chapter is dedicated to Mythologylover2001 for a long (but fun) conversation and to all you lovely readers for your support If it weren't for you I don't know WHAT I would be writing.....
(and if anyone names that Im gonna scream!)
P.s I am in love with Taylors album 1969 or 89 I'm not sure and Eds X so tell me what your fav song is of theirs and If you geuss mine you will get a dedication!

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