Round One

146 13 6

Amidst these tough times, while some of us are locked up in houses since what seems like an eternity, while there are few, who have barely been home since days. Any guesses?

Zero points for guessing right... well yes... we are indeed talking about health workers. Be it a doctor or a nurse or anybody, they have been toiling restlessly since many weeks. Media has acknowledged them, celebrities have acknowledged them, but we? Not that much maybe. So time to thank them in a way we can?


Title: Healthcare Workers

Subtitle: A quote applauding their relentless service for our wellbeing

Mood: Cheery

Graphic Type: Banner

Dimension: 720× 300 pixels

Your watermark/username must compulsorily be present, else you may lose points.

Deadline: August 31st, 2020 at 11:59 PM GMT

(chapter & prompt credit to Anne || ThatBiryaniWaliLadki)

(banner credit to Queen || Queen17_06 and Rhia || x_xRhiannonx_x)

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