Mini-Contest: Harry Potter (Hogwarts) Houses

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Welcome to the first mini-contest in The Graphics Center's 'The Contest'! The purpose of this mini-contest is to give graphic designers who don't want to commit to the full contest (or didn't have a chance to sign up) a chance to compete! Plus, not everyone knows about the theme behind this mini-contest, so to make it fair, we're not including it in the main contest.

Note: Some of these mini-contests will be related to the main theme of the contest, but most will not be.

All right, so as you can probably tell by the title, this mini-contest's theme will be 'Harry Potter Houses'! The process is simple--you pick a house, then make an aesthetic/moodboard for it following the instructions below.

House Options: Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and Slytherin

Also, did you know that in mini-contests you can earn bonus points? Yup, that's right! How do you earn them, you ask? Well, keep reading!

Bonus Point Earning Methods: Including any of the items/images listed below (1 per each), audience votes (1 per each), making any type of extra graphic (2 or 3 depending on graphic)

Now, onto the details! Here are the things the aesthetic/moodboard should include:

- House name

- Author's name (J. K. Rowling)

- Your own watermark

And here are the things you can add for bonus points:

- House item

- House crest

- Room from house

- Fun fact from house

Note: As this mini-contest is based on a series ('Harry Potter'), please be extra careful to avoid art theft while making your graphics.

Contest Deadline: September 15th, 2020 (9/15/2020)

Join by commenting your chosen house and tagging three people inline →

Note: Entries will be posted in this chapter, so please add this book to your library to see when you can start voting and when your entries are posted!

Voting: When at least two entries have been submitted, they will be posted here for bystanders to vote on. Each audience vote on an entry will count for one more point on their overall score and will help break ties.


Q: How many entries may I submit?

A: You may submit two entries total but they must be of the same house.

Q: If I'm participating in the mini-contest, am I still allowed to be a part of voting?

A: To keep things fair, participants of the 'Harry Potter Houses Mini-Contest' will not be allowed to vote on entries.

Q: If I'm a bystander, how many times can I vote?

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