It Begins

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Fire, Water, Wind, Earth, Metal, Lightning, Time and Space. Eight natural phenomenon each goverbed by a different race.

The Elder's those that came before, decreed that the races were never to change, for example the Naiad of the Water could never become a Phoenix of the Fire.

But that would all change on 25th July 2018, the day I died.

Maybe I should backtrack a little my name is James Margret (don't ask) Simmons, a sixteen year old london born male that lives in colchester, I was walking home from my part-time job at Subway when I got a phone call, not really thinking I stepped out into the road whilst answering, what came next was rather bittersweet. A car going about 20 miles over the speed limit hit me side on, i flew over it getting soem pretty sweet if painful air time before being hit by a second i was dead on impact.

Now i know what your thinking if I am dead how am I telling you this well hold on to your hats kids because this is wheee it gets interesting.

There was a bright light and I appeared in an old-school cinema theater, it seemed to have been abandoned for some time as everything had a thin layer of dust. Out if curiosity I looked around a bit before taking a seat, I can freak out about dying later now is the time to be calm and collected.

As I settled down the screen flashed twice before writing appeared.

Greetings and welcome to the Game.
When a being's life is ended they end up in a room like this, How they react depends on which afterlife they recieve,

Most souls choose/recieve the same afterlife, as you are a second death of the same soul you would normally recieve the option to rest in the afterlife you deserve, unfortunately said afterlife is currently full, your first life went back to your world in the hope of reliving his life in a different direction, he was a politician and at one point the british prime minister, I won't tell you where you would have ended up but I will tell you what happens next.

As your rewarded resting place is currently full we are reincarnating you once more but not into your previous world but a fictional one connected to it, after a basic reading of your current incarnation's interests we have chosen Doctor who also known as the Whoniverse.

We understand this is a lot to take in so when you are ready please select whether or not you choose to select yes or no, as added endorsement we wish to give you the gamer feature should you choose yes.


Ok so I don't remember my previous life sometimes a reincarnation remembers their first life at least they do in fiction but that doesn't seem to be the case here but I can think more on that at another time and if he was prime minister I may even meet him that'll be trippy if I work it out before hand.

After mentally running through the positives and negatives I decided that whether or not I was offered The Gamer ability I probably would have chosen yes but with the Gamer, I definitely selected yes.

You have selected yes, you have gained 1 free stat point to put anywhere.

Please choose your race

Human- idiginous race of planet earth, hardy yet avaerage this race has +1 to every stat.

Gallifreyan- rather avaerage in the long run, basically a longer living human, this race has +2 to 2 stats and basic proficiency in one skill (you may be able to eventually evolve this into timelord if you follow the correct timeline).

Timelord- The lords of time itself this race's lifespan varies greatly due to their regeneration feature and are incredibly intelligent- +3 to intelligence and regeneration feature.

Alien- create your own race, planet and culture with appropriate stats and abilities and we will incorporate them into the whoniverse.

Dalek- mutated squid in tanks indiginous to the planet Skaro these xenophobic monsters are incredibly tough to kill, and wish tonkill anything not dalek- this race gains +3 to constitution and the emotional xenophobic murderer feature.

"Game will I be able to return to whoniverse if I die?"

If you choose to.

"Then for my first playthrough I select Timelord."

The screen flashed once

Timelord selected please apply stats.


Please note that had you chosen no you would have still been reincarnated here but both race and stats would have been randomized, you would not have remembered your life as James Simmons and you would not have had the gamer feature.

"Thats a terrifying thought." In order to survive my physical and health stats should be what I focus on so I'll put points into strength, dexterity, constitution and luck.


Stats applied please wait....

Character creation complete...

World creation 100% completed...

Applying features....
ALERT as a first time player you will recieve a free feature please select 1 of the following...

Prodigy- +2 to intelligence and wisdom.

Lucky number 13- gain 1 additional regeneration

Negotiator- +4 to charisma and luck

Warlord- +2 to strength and dexterity and basic knowledge on weaponisation.

This took some thought lucky number 13, negotiator and warlord are all incredibly beneficial. Weighing all the pro's and con's as well as what i knew about Doctor who I quickly decided against Lucky number 13, by the end of the 12th doctors run he wanted to die but decided he was needed so put the needs of the many against what he wanted and regenerated, I didn't want that so no, The Time war is coming so warlord may be useful. But at the same time negotiator offers some massive boosts...hmm "Game do you have a coin I can use?"


"I can't decide between Warlord and Negotiator"

I will grant you both now if you agree to either redeem or kill Davros.


Done...fetaures applied

Reincarnation sequence initiated....




I blacked out....

A/N: Ok so I will eventualy rewrite this on too but this is easier on my phone so writing this here first.

Again when the character gets points he will use them and there will be sequels that I've got ideas for.

The first will be called Gamer 2: Empire with the race as Dalek.

The second will either be called Gamer3:Torchwood with the race as human


Gamer 3: The finale with the race as Alien.

It depends on how well this series goes. If I write Torchwood, Finale will still happen.

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