Chapter two

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Dean had hardly entered the school when all eyes turned to him. He was the elephant in the room and the students made sure he knew it.

He had learned to read body language in juvie. In a place surrounded by criminals, it was one of the very few ways to see who was sincere and who wasn't.

Each pair of eyes that stared at him showed a different judgement. A judgement that their mouths wouldn't dare utter out of fear. After all, who would want to anger the muscular tattooed ex convict.

Some eyes held pity, others anger that he had been enrolled at Princeton and others fear of what he could do to them. In the end they were all the same.

They all judged him without knowing his story.

People whispered amongst themselves thinking he couldn't hear them but he could. He had learned to notice even the smallest changes in his environment.

In juvie, you never knew what could happen. You slept with one eye open, listened in on other peoples conversations and made faithful allies. It was the only way to ensure your safety.

One glare from him shut them up almost instantly but the damage was already done.

The voice at the back of his head had been fueled and he was on the brink of a panic attack.

"Breath in Breath out" he whispered inwardly

He had to focus on his breathing. It was the only way to calm his emotions.

The day had just started and it was dramatic enough as it was, he didn't need a panic attack adding on to the drama.

He wasn't what they said he was.

He wasn't a criminal.

He wasn't a drug addict.

He had changed.

Why was it so hard for people to understand that.

Why was it so hard for the voice of to leave him alone.

All he wanted was peace.

He wasn't going to let them get the best of him, atleast not on the first day. He was stronger than that.

"Can you direct me to the administration?" He asked the only person who wasn't staring at him.

"Sure let's go" she smiled at him, "don't mind those people, they are brainless buffoons who's desire is only to be better than everyone else"

"Brainless buffoons?" he laughed for the first time that day.

"I would have used a worse term but I was trying to make a good first impression" she gently elbowed him

"What an amazing first impression" he laughed and held out his hand, "Dean Micheals"

"Cassandra Sunshine" she shook his hand

"You sure do dress darkly for someone named sunshine" he joked about her attire which consisted of black jeans, a crop top that said 'don't fuck with me', black boots and various chains around her neck

"Argh don't remind me, I mean come on why sunshine" she groaned, "it's pretty hard to scare people when your last name is sunshine"

"Scaring people" he chuckled softly, "well aren't you just a ray of sunshine"

"Fuck off Micheals" she elbowed him

Dean could tell he and Cassandra would be great friends. They were both outcasts in their own ways, they both knew what it was like to be shunned by society and told they didn't belong.

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