chapter four

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Ronny Anne

One look from Amanda Henry was all it took for everyone in the girls bathroom to leave.

"Ronny Anne" Amanda called when everyone had left and Ronny Anne quickly wiped  her tears.

She hated it when people saw her cry, her best friends where no exception.

Crying showed everyone she was weak and no one, not even Dean Micheals was worth her tears.

"Uh yes" she stuttered

"You okay?" Amanda asked softly

"Yeah" she came out of the bathroom stall in tears

"Oh Ronny" Amanda rushed to her and enveloped her in a tight yet comforting hug, "it's going to be okay"

"No it's not" she cried, "it will never be okay"

"There there" she rubbed her back, "wanna talk about it?"

"No" Ronny Anne rubbed her tears only for more to come spilling out of her eyes.

She hated that Amanda had seen her cry, it was probably the first time since freshman year that anyone other than her father had seen her cry.

Looking up at Amanda, she expected to see eyes full of pity staring at her, instead, eyes full of remorse and empathy stared back at her.

"Talking about it will make it better" Amanda said carefully

"Why are you being so nice to me" Ronny Anne sniffled, "I've been nothing but mean to you"

"You're my best friend" Amanda said softly

"Some best friend I was" Ronny Anne whispered but Amanda heard her and ignored it.

The truth of the matter was Ronny Anne had never been a good best friend. Heck she hadn't even been a good friend to Amanda. She wondered why Amanda was comforting her when she had always made fun of her.

"No one's perfect Ronny Anne" Amanda said and hugged her again.

Amanda was right, no one was perfect but Ronny Anne was the most imperfect person she knew. She had been a lousy best friend not only to Amanda but also to Dean.

But who could  blame her? He had betrayed her, ditched her when she needed him the most. He deserved what she was going to do to him. He deserved that and much more.

"Where are Dani and  Raven?" She asked when after she had calmed down.

"Probably in assembly" Amanda shrugged and handed Ronny Anne her  makeup bag "here fix your make up no offense but you look like shit"

She looked in the mirror and gasped. She did look like shit. Her black mascara was now flowing freely down her cheeks and she cussed herself for not using the waterproof mascara her mom had bought her.

Her eyes were red blotchy, a clear indication that she had been full on sobbing, her lipstick was smudged and the bags under her eyes which she always hid so well we're on full display.

She was thankful that Amanda didn't say anything about them. She didn't have the energy to explain her insomnia.

She was physically, mentally and emotionally tired.

She mattered a quick thank you before retouching her make up. In no time she looked good as new, the bags under eyes were well hidden.

On the outside, she was Ronny Anne, the queen bee of Princeton who hid all her imperfections with makeup and a bitchy attitude. But on the inside, she was Ronny Anne, the girl who hurt others because she was hurting, because she didn't want to be the only one suffering.

Ronny Anne was thankful for the opening assembly, she was sure word about  her crying in the bathroom stall had already spread like wildfire. She didn't have the energy to face the accusing or rumors of the students of Princeton.

"Should we go to the assembly or go hide in the bathroom until it's over?" Amanda asked her

"Let's just go to the bathroom, the assembly is nearly over it would be a waste of time going there" she mumbled and walked back into the bathroom

"You going to tell me about Dean" Amanda asked when they sat on the bathroom counter, "from what I've heard, you were friends"

Amanda had arrived in Fairview at just about the same time Dean had left for juvie.

While very few people spoke about him, she knew he used to be Ronny Anne's friend and after he was arrested, their friendship ended.

"I'd rather not talk about it" Ronny Anne mumbled, "it brings back bad memories"

"Anyway, let's talk about your summer" Ronny Anne said cheerfully, too cheerfully and Amanda could tell she was avoiding the topic.

"Ronny" she sighed deeply

"Just leave it please" Ronny Anne replied, "I don't want to talk about it right now. When I'm ready I'll tell you just not right now"

"Okay" Amanda gave up

"Thank you" Ronny Anne smiled

"so about my summer"Amanda started and Ronny Anne laughed

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