Chapter three

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Ronny Anne

The end of summer had always been a tough time for Ronny Anne. It meant she had to leave her father's house and spend the rest of the year living with her mother.

She had always preferred her father over her mother and hated the fact that even though her parents shared joint custody of her, she spent majority of the year with her mother.

If it had been up to her, she would have stayed with her father throughout the year and only visited her mother on important holidays.

But it wasn't up to her, it was up to a judge who had only met her a few times before deciding how she should live her life.

It was no secret to her that her mother was the reason for her parents divorce. She didn't understand how somebody could fall out of love after sixteen years of marriage.

She was thirteen at the time of the divorce, so while she understood what was going on, it didn't make it any easier.

Her thirteenth year would always be the worst year of her life.

It was the year when everything changed, the year when her mother kicked her father out after sixteen years of marriage.

The year when her best friend, Dean decided she wasn't cool enough for him and preferred to hang out the much cooler seniors.

She was going through a lot that year, and the fact that Dean ditched when she needed him the most, her hurt her more than she liked to admit.

He was her best friend, he should have been there for her.

He should have been there to hold her as she cried, to listen to her rant about how  uneasy she was feeling.

To tell her that even though her father was leaving, he would always remain with her.

But he wasn't there and just like her father, he left that summer.

A sick part of her was happy that he had gotten arrested. She often told herself it was because he deserved it, he deserved what he had gotten for ditching her to hang out with the seniors but she knew the truth was far from that.

Evil as it was, she was happy that he had gotten arrested because for once she wasn't the only one suffering.

She may have been dealing with her parents nasty divorce, but he was dealing with a jail sentence and a sick part of her took pride in that.

She took pride in the fact that she was not the only one suffering. She was not the only one going through pain.

"Honey" you're going to be late for school. Gabriella Grayson called out for her snapping her out of her thoughts.

"I'm almost done just give me a minute" she shouted and ran down the stairs.

"Aren't you going to have breakfast" her mother said pointing to the small buffet she had set up for the two of them.

It was only seven fifteen, her classes didn't start until eight but she dreaded the thought of spending thirty minutes eating in awkward silence with her mother.

"No thanks I don't wanna be late" she said and Gabriella sighed.

Gabriella wondered when her daughter would come around. Ever since the divorce, Ronny Anne had changed.

She could tell her daughter blamed her for the divorce but it wasn't her fault. She didn't choose to be cheated on.

"Atleast take some food in a lunch box, it's bad luck to not eat breakfast on your first day of school" she sighed deeply

"Okay" Ronny Anne replied not wanting to argue and grabbed a lunch box.

"Have a nice day, I love you" Gabriella said as she walked out the door, Ronny Anne whispered a small bye before begining the ten minute walk to her school.

It wasn't that Ronny Anne hated her mother, she loved her but she couldn't bring herself to forgive her for what happened.

If her mother had only tried harder with her marriage, her father would have been with them. They could have been a family and who knows maybe she would have had a sibling.

As she passed by the Michaels house, she couldn't help but remember Dean. He was out of juvie and from what she had heard, he would be going to Princeton high, her highschool.

She knew she would have to face Dean sooner or later but she dreaded the thought of seeing him again.

Gone were the days when she had a crush on him, when the highlight of her day would be hanging out with Dean. Now, the mere thought of seeing Dean made her shudder out of disgust. She loathed him for what he had done to her.

Within no time, she was at the entrance of Princeton high. She pulled her already short yellow skirt higher and tucked in her pink hoodie before texting her friend Dani that she had arrived.

Ronny Anne was beautiful and she knew it. As she walked into the school, all eyes turned to her. Looks of lust, envy, admiration and disgust followed her every move.

Looking around for her best friends, she heard Amanda's voice in the hallway near the principal's office.

Typical, she thought as she followed her friends voice, it was the first day of school and the girls had already found someone to pick on.

"What are we laughing at girls?" She asked but stopped dead in her tracks when she saw him.

There he stood in all his glory, Dean Michaels.

She couldn't believe it was him, he has changed drastically but she knew it was him. His once pale skin was littered with ink and his blond hair that his mother used cut nearly every month had grown down to his shoulder.

His icy blue eyes stared into her muddy brown ones. It was like he was searching for something, searching for a reaction from her but she kept her face blank.

"Chubby cheeks" he whispered softly but she heard it and tears threatened to spill out of her eyes.

A part of her wanted to ran and hug him, to tell him she had forgiven him but it wasn't as simple as it sounded. She hadn't forgiven him, heck she didn't think she would ever be able to forgive him.

"Just our two favorite addicts" one of her friends said.

She wasn't sure who was talking, at that point it didn't matter, her eyes were fixed on Dean.

Her childhood flashed through her eyes, the times they would ran in the rain, or play in the mud.

Why did everything have to go so wrong.

"Dean" she whispered and cleared her throat. She to stay strong, she couldn't let him see how much he affected her, he didn't deserve it.

Blinking away her tears she continued, "Dean Micheals, yeah I know him. Oh umm word of advice Dean, Princeton isn't a place for addicts"

She could tell she had hurt his feelings and it killed her. But she needed to hurt him, she needed him to feel that amount of pain she had gone through because of him.

"Ronny" he whispered and her heart broke

"I love you Dean" she wanted to say but instead she said, "Don't call me that Dean you lost the right to call me that five years ago"

"Let me explain" he begged

"No Dean" she chocked out, "what we had is in the past and I don't associate with addicts"

The second she said those words she could tell her friendship with Dean had ended.

Her brain told her it was for the best, that they had both put each other through so much pain and it was better if they just stayed away from each other. But her heart told her to follow Dean, that they would always be best friends.

She ran to the nearest bathroom, locked herself in the first empty cubicle she could find and cried.

There was only one thought on her mind,

I'm sorry Dean

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