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5  Y E A R S  A G O

"Welcome to Death Incorporated, the world's #1 and only agency dedicated to bringing human lives to their ends at the right place, right time, and right way. Please proceed to the training facility for further instructions . . . Welcome to—" 

"If I hear that woman's voice say that lousy introduction over the speakers one more time, I'm going to lose it." I pressed my temples, hoping to cure my splitting headache. 

"Who are you talking to?" The girl next to me in the lineup tilted her head curiously.

"Uh, you? You just asked me why I look frustrated."

"Oh! Right!" She recalled cheerfully. 

I'd been standing there for an hour, staring at the plain white walls and spotless white tiles. I'd come here to fulfill my dream of becoming a field agent for Death Inc., not to wait around and admire the training facility's interior design.

A middle-aged man in a crisp, royal blue suit entered the facility, causing all the new recruits—including me—to stand taller and look fiercer. He didn't bother to glance up from the tablet his fingers were tapping away on. "Welcome, trainees! It must be an honor for you all to be inside the headquarters of Death Incorporated, I know. On top of that you are in the presence of myself, Mr. Egor, the best trainer in the agency and your future Director! Ladies, please refrain from fangirling," he paused, waiting for laughter, a reaction, anything. 


"Did I mention that I score you at the end of the one-year training program?" He added in his captivating accent.

Laughter spread across the lineup of anxious newcomers. The red-haired girl who talked to me earlier laughed the loudest. 

"Haha, okay, anyway, jokes aside. This will be the hardest year of your life, and you just might not make it out of here, who knows? Not me! But on to the main point: you all applied to work at Death Inc., and this year's training will determine which of you will make it—and which of you will not."

"Uh, sir?" A brown-haired guy in the line raised his hand. 


"What about the people who want to work in the building, as financial assistants, receptionists, data analysts, and other office jobs?"

"Very good question, err . . ." Mr. Egor scanned the young man's face. 


"Yes, may I ask you, Mr. Arrow, what is your intention here?"

"Well, my dream has always been to become the best field agent for this company, sir. I asked about the office jobs for the ladies here." Arrow shrugged, and the male recruits in the line let out a soft laugh. 

Mr. Egor straightened his back. "Hmm, I see. What a gentleman. Can you explain to us the job description of a typical field agent?"

Arrow scratched the back of his head. "Uh . . . they get assigned a human target whose time of death is coming close . . . and they have to kill them, and take their souls to store in HQ, which are then delivered to the Devil?"

"Oversimplification, but yes. Now why do you think the young women here do not wish to be a part of the field team?" Mr. E pressed Arrow to think further. That wouldn't solve anything. Mr. Arrow was merely speaking what all the male recruits in that room were thinking. 

"Well, y'know. Mr. E, they're going to mess up something. Maybe get upset about killing a human and fail their mission and disrupt the order of the agency," his smile was so genuine that it made me want to punch his face. "Like, uh . . . you!

He pointed at the red-haired girl. She placed her glasses at the bridge of her nose. "Me?"

"Yeah, you. What department are you here to work for?" The guy asked.

"Um . . . the tech division, but—"

"Would you ever kill someone?"

"No, never, but—"

"Exactly." Arrow smirked, as if he rested his case. The red-haired girl glanced at me in defeat. 

"Excuse me, but no," I interrupted. Mr. E's eyes darted to me. I took a step out of line to see Arrow. "I want to be a field agent, and I've practiced my skills for years. I will probably be a better agent than you." 

Mr. E's blue eyes widened, darting back to Arrow. 

The rude boy scoffed. "Right. Dream on. Back in my neighborhood, I had the best aim."

I smiled at him. "Well, this isn't your playground, Mr. Arrow. You might be the best there, but not here."

He opened his mouth, and closed it in frustration. Looking back, I realize that he does that a lot when he's around me.

"What is your name, young lady?" Mr. E asked out of curiosity. It seemed that the little argument served as great entertainment for him. 

"Lorelai, sir. But I prefer to be called Raven. And in five years, I will be Death Incorporated's number one field agent."

Mr. E nodded, appreciating my confidence. "Very well."

Arrow spoke up. "Five years, huh? Is that a challenge?"

I smile smugly. "Not much of one for me." 

"You're on, Ms. Lorelai. Because in five years, I'll be the most prestigious agent." His dark eyes pierce through me, pools of growing hatred. 

"It's Raven. And we'll see, Mr. Arrow." 

But of course, life doesn't go according to plan. 

➳ ♥ ➳

Author's Note:

hey there! if u like it, please add to your reading list to get updates! I'll probably update weekly

After writing more than 4 books, I'm hoping this will be my best work. Trying something new this time. There will be some dark humor, given the title of the story.

And of course, there will be PLOT TWISTS (hence, my username)! If you know me and have read past stories, this is no shocker. AND YES, Death will show up ;) hang in there!

Lastly, I am thankful for your support and love to read comments/feedback! You can PM me anytime, it doesn't even need to be about this book, it can be about how life is going for you :) 

-X-  Love you all  -X-


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