Chapter 4 "Were it all turns"

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 When Kirishma came back to me for fall break i thought it was all just a... Miss understanding, what i didn't think about was the negative's .... So, a few more week's after Kirishma came back for the fall break we started school. We started and finished every day like usual, abut im not gonna lie Kirishma was going out a-lot more and he was acting kind-of suspicious every time he did go out. He told me he was just meeting up with Tetsu Tetsu or Denki most of the time at the Cafe' down the street from the dorm's of course i believed him. He is my boyfriend why wouldn't I?

 Three days later Friday after school, Kirishma went out to go get coffee i obviously said yes but be home by dinner so we could go out to eat later for dinner he agreed and quickly rushed out the door. I got a text from Sero inviting me down to the pool with some guy's so i went because i had nothing else to do with my time. As i was walking down from my dorm room i passed Mina's room and heard a loud moaning noise that sounded like Mina. Not thinking about anything i started quietly laughing and i put my ear up to the door to have a good story to tell the guys later.

   As I listen more closely and i hear Mina quietly moan "Kirishma" My heart dropped as i heard her and I knocked on the door as loud as i possibly could trying to keep my cool "Hey Mina whatcha doin?!?!?" "Oh i was just watching Netfilix!!!" she says loud and nervously "IF YOU DONT OPEN THIS DOOR RIGHT NOW ILL BREAK IT DOWN" Mina opens the door out of breath with her pant buttons undone and her shirt backwards "Hey bakugou! what you doing here?" Mina still out of breath. "Just checking on your dorm im pretty sure Minetta snuck into your room" "Naw! No Minetta is gonna get in here!" Mina says giggly  "Were is Kirishma?' As i grin and say sarcastically.

    "Kiri is hanging out with Tetsu Tetsu today! Don't you remember?" "Yes i do. but-" my voice cracks as i try not to cry "I do Mina. But i can see his clothes that he was wearing today. on your bed" "Oooh. I think we went swim-" i barge in to Mina's dorm before she finishes her sentence

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