Chapter 1

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Warning ⚠️ Rape, knife play, and chocking are involved in this chapter. If you have any discomfort please don't read.

Nicole's Pov.
Daniel shoves us into his van, and drugged us, next thing we know we wake up with our wrist tied up  in a dark and damp room.
"Girls?" I call out "Nicole?" I hear Rachel said "yes baby it's me, is everyone here?" I ask as I hear everyone's voices, I soon find my way to the girls and we cuddle up next to each other.

"Nicole, what are we going to do?" Perrie asks me "you're going to fight and get out of here, he just wants me not y'all." I tell her with tears running down my face knowing that I might not leave here alive. "Nicole we are not leaving without you." Luca says in her mother tone "You have to I can't let y'all get hurt because of me." I tell her "I don't know how but if you can get out you can get help, and get me." I say in a whisper. "Nicole no this is not your fault."
Leigh tells me
"Leigh Anne, it's my dad of course it's my fault!" I yell at her. "Nikki I want to go home." Rachel says holding my hand "I know baby, and you will."

Alicia's Pov
We have been searching for the girls all day with no leads. I'm worried. "Perfect wedding day ain't it, I manage to lose all 5 of the kids in a matter of minutes." I tell Janet on the verge of tears. "It's going to be ok Alicia, We'll find them I promise." Janet tells me hugging me "Janet that doesn't mean they will be alive, this man is out to get my daughters, for some unknown reason." I tell her breaking down at the thought of never seeing the girls again. "Over my dead body." Janet says hugging me tighter.

Prince's Pov
"You mean this man just magical took the girls and left no trades?" I ask the investigator "well sir it does seem like that." He tells me looking at his notebook. "Well I think you need to look harder cause if my girls have the littlest scratch on them, and if I  find that man before you do someone is going to jail and it might not be him, he's a dead man if I get my hands on him." I tell him raising my voice. "Yes sir, we're on it." He says afraid.

Nicole's Pov
A door opens letting in some light into the dark bedroom to let me see that there's a bed in the corner. "Hello girls." My father says in a creepy voice. "Do you know why y'all are here?" He asks like we're on some trivia show "because you hate my guts and want me dead?" I say in a  sarcastic tone with my head tilted to the side.

"Correct you little smartass, I couldn't take you and leave witnesses now could I? I'm sure making them watch how I take care of you will be fun for me." He says making chills run down my spine. I'm not leaving here alive this is the last place I'm going to see before heaven.

"You're a fool, Nick was there too, he's not here." Luca says angry "well you see, he's dead, I hit him with my van because he got in the way." He says with the bigger smile on his face. Making tears roll down my face. "You killed the man that I loved how dare you!" I yell at him "well it was easy, and that boy never loved you, no one loves you my dear." He says.  Me and Luca stand up "you're a piece of shit Daniel and it takes more than that to hurt us." Luca says before we run and attack him "girls run!" I yell as I fight this 6'0 tall man with my sister.

"You know you need to pay more attention to who you kidnap, you never know who has a knife." I tell him before stabbing him in the leg and running out behind the girls. "Oh no you don't." He says grabbing my ankle and pulling me back. "Luca go, I'll be ok." I tell her seeing that the girls made it out the front door.

"Nicole I can't." Luca says with tears in her eyes still fighting Daniel "Go!" I yell. "I love you, tell everyone I love them." I tell her as she runs out the door.

Daniel throws me against the wall and leaves to tend to his leg, the girls are safe that's all I care about. He can do what he wants with me.

"Now that we're alone, welcome to hell my dear child." Daniel says entering the room a few hours later. "I been there before not fun, I rather have heaven." I tell him "I'm done with your smart ass mouth little girl." He says duct taping my month, then throwing me on the bed. "Thanks for the knife by the way, I plan to make great use out of it." He says cutting my clothes off and dragging the cold blade on my skin.

This is my fate this is how I die by this sick man who's DNA I share. Tears roll down my face as he pulls down his pants and puts himself into me.

He continues to rape and beat me all night, until I pass out and wake up to the sun. Girls please hurry I think as I hear him come in.
"Hi my dear, are you ready for day two?" He asked me getting on top of me. It's other fight and die, or do nothing and die, I'm dammed either way.
"No, you fucking asshole." I tell him kicking him in the balls making him fall to his knees. "feisty this morning I see." He says getting back up on me and holding me down "you want to fight? I'll fight." He tells me before he start enter himself again, chocking the life out of me. I feel the life leave my body as my eyes roll into my head.

Goodbye world it's been nice knowing you.

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