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Edited as of 9-2-16


           To me, days never change. The school week blurs by, day by day. I try not to focus on the days left until the weekend because then it seems like the week is stretched out even longer. I never think about what tomorrow brings, to me there is no tomorrow. Just the now.

Today is Wednesday. Everywhere in the hallways people shout at each other, "Hump day!"

I smile at the old commercial as my friends bump me in the hallway with their hips in between the passing periods.

Classes blur by, and I am forever living in the moment. One class and everything in it consumes my world for one hour, then the next class. The first class is forgotten and I assume the role of just living in this new class, my new world for one hour. I have no favorites and I don't hate any classes either. I am completely neutral. I just float through the day oblivious to the world around me.

There are clouds hanging low in the sky. They are lurid and threaten to pour out their soul to nurture the ground. Later a small drizzle follows. I like the rain. It touches my skin in bliss. My friends shelter their faces as their make-up runs. My own makeup forms black tears on my cheeks. At the end of the school day the storm pours out, something I secretly wished for all along. My spirit flutters, and my heart beats quickly as I rejoice at the splashes of water that come down on the dull pavement.

I leave my friends as they drive away in their cars, as I continue my way on foot. I don't live far from the school, and I decline my friends offer for a ride. I love the rain too much to not walk in it. People rush by with umbrellas giving me unwanted sympathetic glances as the water runs down my face cleansing me like no shower could. I watch the ripples spread around me as the fat drops descend to such an inferior earth.

I am so oblivious that I smack right into a huge looming form in front of me. But this sort of thing happens all the time on account of how clumsy I am.

"Sorry," I mumble keeping my head down as I move aside and continue on my way. There is no hesitation, no waiting. The figure I ran into grabs me and covers my mouth. I try to scream, but I have no breath. Besides his hand is so large that it covers most of my face. My feet slap on the ground sending sprays of dirty water into the air, mixing with the crystalline drops still yet to touch the ground. My hands claw at the figure, but I gain nothing, the figure still holds me as if I am fighting against a boulder. This moment seems to go on forever. Each second lasts an eternity.

Water hangs in the air. I can hear each individual drop of water or maybe I am just listening to the beats of my heart. Thump, thump. Thump, thump. I close my eyes and find that I can't reopen them. I am so tired; my limbs feel heavy as they relax. I am swimming in a vortex of night and darkness.

No time passes. Not. One. Second. Or so it seems, yet when I open my eyes I am somewhere else entirely. I am inside, but I can still hear the rain hitting the metal roof above me. The gentle tapping, thwap, thwap, thwap is almost soothing, given that I have no idea where I am. I take a few eternal seconds before the blur in my eyes adjust.

I am strapped to a chair. It looks and feels like an electric chair, but I can see no wires. Still, my heart speeds up just at the thought. Leather digs and burns into my skin as I try to move my hands and feet, but they are both tightly bound to the chair I am in. I struggle for a minute longer, hoping that maybe I can tear loose from these bindings, but I have no success. My head is the only thing free to turn.

I can't gain much from this small freedom, however, because the room is very cryptic. All I can see is the dim outline of my body, my wiggling fingertips, and my shaking legs. The room around me is only full of bulging shapes and hulking forms that I assume are stacked boxes. Am I in a warehouse somewhere? Is he in this room? Is he watching me? I don't have to wait long to find my answer.

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