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Edited as of 9-2-16


   I can't hold my bodily functions any longer. I am so ashamed of myself. What a poor person I must seem. I am worm in the universe. But, even worms have to pee (or at least I assume they did. I don't actually know much about worms). I can't even move my legs to try and keep it in. I call out to the man, but he never comes, so if he hears me he is ignoring me. The entire experience is humiliating. Not to mention as my bladder squeezes out pee, it reopens the wounds I have been trying to forget, but the pain is all I can think about. I cry for what seems like hours, which really surprises me since I am dying for a drink. Ha, dying- how silly. I have to laugh at this, because what good am I to this serial killer if I die of thirst?

My family and I are not very religious but I find myself praying for a better answer, an answer that can save me. I don't refer to any god, just anyone in the universe that might care to give me an answer. But, as always, no one answers.

The door opens with the same incandescent illumination as always, but this time the smell is gone, or maybe I am just used to the stench because it might as well be my own. Usually the man stays in front of me or is walking in his crazy man circles. This time he makes his way behind me and stays there.

"Well, are you going to ask me anything?" I say pitifully. My heart beats faster, which is bad because it makes my wounds hurt even more. A part of me wishes he would just get it over with. The strap on my left hand loosens and he says, "Drink" as he places a cylinder I can only hope is a cup into my hand. I don't hesitate to pull my hand free, sloshing the water onto my chest, but I drink without pause.

It is such a strange thing to enjoy the water I have always taken for granted. I remember reading a study that water is going to become more precious and expensive than gold in the next decade or so. Everything goes dark as I pass out, realizing to late my mistake, but I never expected him to drug me when he already has me where he wanted. 

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