Meeting Everyone

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We walked over to the living room but before she put me down she warned everybody that I might already know who they are. As soon as she put me down I walked around the side of the couch. I looked around once I spotted the girls I ran over to them. First I said hi to Dixie then Avani next Addison then Kellianne and lastly I said hi to Kovur. Then I tarted saying hi to the boys I already know. It went Alex, Chase, Tony, Taylor, Nate, and Ondreaz. When I finished saying hi to everybody I knew I went back over to Charli. After I was next to her i said Charli up please she picked me up and everyone's jaw dropped. They all said at the same time how does she know who we are. Then Charli and I replied at the same time tiktok. Now they were even more surprised and asked if I knew any dances. I whispered in Charli's ear to put me down and that when i get in front of everyone to play Renegade for me. she told me okay ad then put me down. As soon as i got in front of everyone she did as I asked her to and I did the dance perfectly without messing up. Then I heard someone say do you know anymore. I then replied with Charli can you put on Be Happy please she said okay. But before she could put the song on I heard Dixie say but why that song. I simply replied with because it's the newest trend on tiktok. Then Charli played the song and once again I did the dance perfectly with no mess ups. After I finished I heard all the girls say do one more. i said okay and asked Charli if I can borrow her phone. She replied with yes and be careful I said okay. After I told her okay I pulled up my account and clicked on one and hit the sound icon then i hit use sound put the phone on the table and started the timer. I did the one were it went I did a kick into a split and showed him what he was missing. After I finished I gave charli her phone back but before i could move she asked if she could post it I told her that it was fine. Then I went and finished meeting everyone and after I was done I went over to mommy. She said hey princess wanna go see your room. I shook my head yes and laid my head on her shoulder. Mommy got upstairs and quickly went to a door she opened the door to reveal a princess bedroom, bathroom, and closet. I said thank you to mommy and she told me your welcome and if i need anything her room is right next to mine. I said okay and went to lay down on my new bed and ended up falling asleep.

Adopted by Thomas Petrou and Mia HaywardWhere stories live. Discover now