🍒Chapter 2🍒

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Avery's POV

Our parent's decided to let us live together, they bought us a house of our own and the time has come wherein I'm going to live this lovely house of mine and transfer to a new home with my soon to be husband.

"Mom are you not sad that I'll be leaving?" I asked my mom while piling up my last stuff in my trolly, "Yes I am but I know it's the best for you to be with him trust me son" she said while preventing the tears from her eyes to flow.

I gave my parents a one last hug and placed my baggage on the back of my car and drived to my new home, upon my arrival I was stunned when I saw the whole exterior and interior design of the house. The design where totally outstanding and you will never sight any single disappointment in them. "Amazed I see" said Silvan while approaching me with his signature smirk.

"I'm quite amazed with the exterior and interior designs of this house, it looks like it was really done by some professional designers and not the amateur ones" I said while trying to distract myself from not shaking, here I go again. "My parents together with your parents asked me to talk to one of my house designer friends to renovate this house, actually this house was owned by my parents long time ago" he said while observing his surroundings.

"Ohh" I said while pushing my luggage slowly, "are we in the same room or separate rooms" what's wrong with my question why is he smirking to me, "There's only one Master's bedroom and 3 guest rooms", "and you will be sleeping with me" he said while he continiously smirk towards me.

I wanted to tell him to stop smirking but I'm afraid he will get angry at me and will hurt me, I'm afraid of pain you know I just don't like getting hurt physically or mentally.

After the small discussion about the house's designs I immediately went to our bedroom and plop my myself on the King sized bed. I feel tired , I'm a bit lazy yesterday night that I have to rush while packing my clothes this morning and it took me forever to finish packing without our maid's help or my mother's help.

I took a short nap and after that I started to unpack my clothes and place it in the cabinet where Silvan's clothes are also there. In the middle of arranging my clothes I received a message, I'm not actually going to open the message because it came from an unknown number but when I saw the am sorry part I opened it and read the full message saying 'am sorry I didn't inform you that I'm going back to the company to finish my unfinished works, so don't stay up waiting for me for I'll be going home late' wait why does he even bother? Does he care about me eating alone and why does he care damn he's confusing.

I sighed and shruged off the idea and took a quick shower before I go to the kitchen and prepare something. I enjoyed showering after having a stressful day of packing then unpacking, arrange here arrange there finally I get the time to relax my body.

As I tiptoed to our kitchen I was surprised that there are actually maids in our house, I thought that we will be living alone like only the two of us but It's better that we live with the maids rather than just the two of us. The scary thoughts about Silvan beibg abusive or dominating is still lingering on my mind and I hate the fact that I'm scared of him.

Brushing off the idea once again I decided to ask one of the maids what dish is she going to prepare so that I can help her in cooking too. I kind of love to cook though since I was a child and I sometimes help our chef to cook so I can also learn in the process.

"Young master Avery, young master Silvan informed us that you should be resting since your'e tired of arranging your clothes" said our chef, "No it's alright I'll help and please call me Avery remove the young master is it ok?". "Yes you-- Avery" he said while almost including the young master and I just give him my smile.

After preparing the dish I can finally eat and thanked the chef for letting me help him so I can learn too. I decided to left some for Silvan when he's home so he can also eat if he's hungry.

Eating dinner alone was not that nice since I used to eat with my parents at all, but I guess I have to start to be used to it.

It's already 10 pm in the evening still Silvan is not yet home so I just decided to sleep early without him.

Little did he know while he's peacefully sleeping , Silvan placed a soft kiss om his forehead and lay beside his soon to be wife.

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