Face off

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When Batman finally caught up with Superman, he saw Flash sprawled across the floor against a wall. He pulled up and jumped out, he looked up and saw the glowing figure of Superman hovering above him. A beam of read light shot over Batman's head and hit the batmobile, it exploded and a shower of sparks sprayed across the street. 'What are you doing!?' Yelled Batman,
'I don't know!' Superman replied 'I can't control my body, all I can do is talk!' he shot a laser into the Daily Planet building and the giant gold statue fell off and rolled down the street and crushed cars as it went. 'Clark!' Batman yelled 'Remember who you are!' Superman faltered for a second, but it didn't last. He shot a heat beam at Batman but he rolled out the way and a car behind them exploded, suddenly, it started to rain, which perfectly fits the mood of this story. Superman grabbed Batman and threw him up, but Batman used his cape to glide onto the roof of a nearby building and Superman flew up to face him. Superman went to freeze Batman but he threw a batarang and it froze, hitting Superman in the face. He threw smoke bomb and jumped off the building, leaving Superman confused on top of the building. Batman had an idea, if there was anything coffee or tea related, there was only one person to call.

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