Chapter 4

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your love is fine, your love can be mine

Renée spent more and more time with Queen and Mary in the following few weeks, going out and watching their gigs.

She really enjoyed hanging out with them, as they could always have a good laugh together.

Mary and her became especially close. The only thing she didn't like, was that Mary would often tease her about Roger.

She'd joke about Renée blushing whenever he left a flirty remark or complimented her. She was right in some way though.

Renée indeed noticed how flirty Roger got when she was in his presence. But it was just his way of talking to women, right?


It was a casual Saturday, and Renée was meeting up with Mary for lunch at a nice little café. After having the usual talk about work, Renée asked, “So how are you and Freddie?”

Mary grinned before shaking her head. “How are things between you and Roger?” she returned the question.

Renée smirked. “You're talking about it as if we're a couple, which we are obviously not. Besides, I asked you first.”

Mary put her cup down. “So nothing new? Are you sure nothing has happened between the two of you yet?” she joked.

“Is the coffee good?”, Renée asked, obviously trying to avoid the question.
“Oh come on, you can't tell me he still hasn't made a move. It seems like you really mean something to him. I mean, he doesn't treat you like the other girls.”

Right after saying that, Mary's eyes widened and she whispered: “fuck.”

Other girls? What was that supposed to mean? Renée knew that Roger was a flirt, but now she was determined to find out more, and finally, Mary gave in.

“Well let's say, he isn't the most loyal guy when it comes to relationships. I mean, I'm sure you noticed that basically all the girls want him.
And well, he took a liking to that and soon started taking home a different girl every night.
That's it. No friendship, no relationship. Just fun for a few hours.”

Renée didn't want to admit it, but hearing that Roger was a player made her stomach turn. She should have known. Mary seemed to notice how uncomfortable Renée felt and quickly went on.

“But, he's different now, since he met you. And I mean that. I don't know what you're doing to him, but it must be something special. We haven't seen him leave with another girl for weeks now.”

Renée couldn't help but smirk. When they were done, they paid for the food and went over to John's place in the afternoon.


Renée rang the bell in front of John's apartment, and a smiling Freddie opened the door. “I see the ladies have finished their chit chat,” he said before letting them in. Renée chuckled. When she came into the living room, she looked around.

Brian and Roger were sitting on an orange couch with a bottle of beer in their hands, watching the TV which was stood in front of the couch. Freddie sat down in one of the two matching yellow armchairs. The only one she couldn't find was John.

When Roger noticed that Renée was there, he got up to hug her.
It didn't feel any different after the conversation she's had with Mary.
It even made her feel some kind of triumphant, knowing that she managed to catch his attention.

Then he sat back down, saying “Move over a bit Bri, will ya?” before patting the space next to him, inviting Renée to sit down. She gladly did, and Roger put his arm around her shoulders.

“I can't wait any longer,” Brian said suddenly. “He's been in that bloody room for ages.” “What is he doing?” Renée asked, assuming that Brian meant John.

“He's on the phone with a record label, but we don't think it's going well. They didn't seem to be very nice from the beginning,” Roger explained.

The band was currently struggling to find a label, and so they were often talking about it whenever they met up together.

“How did it go? Do they want us?” Freddie asked with a hopeful expression on his face when John finally appeared in the living room.

He looked disappointed and shook his head. “Nope Freddie, they don't. They said they want to hear a whole album first. The few demos we have didn’t convince them.” Freddie sighed.

That sparked an idea in Renée. “Hey, how about I just ask my uncle? I bet he would let you record an album to show the label,” she suggested.

Brian shook his head. “No Renée, you don't have to molest your uncle just because we need to record an album.” “This is our job, not yours, no offence flower,” Roger added.

Renée put her head into her hands while groaning “Can't you guys just stop to be so humble for once? Let me help you. I'll make an appointment for you, and we'll see how it goes.”

To love a flower ~ Roger TaylorWhere stories live. Discover now