Chapter 12

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I need to tell you something...

The following days were all in a blur. Waking up, going to work, going home, going to sleep. The whole day was about how well Renée was able to distract herself. It became her routine.

While she was still not talking to any of the boys, she talked to Mary on the phone, when Freddie was not around.

Renée knew that he didn’t have anything to do with this, but Freddie and Roger were sort of best friends, and she didn’t want the word to spread that she still cared so much about what happened.

She also found comfort in making music. She usually wasn’t the one to write a lot at once, but the things she brought to paper during the week were surely enough for a few songs.

She was dreading for Friday to come, as she still didn’t know what to do. The studio appointment was important for the boys and the future of Queen, and she promised she would go.

But just thinking about having to face Roger made her feel sick. Then again, a promise is a promise and it wasn’t Freddie’s, John’s or Brian’s fault that things went wrong.

And so, Renée got ready to leave work on Friday afternoon. Since it was the last day before her summer vacation started, she was allowed to go an hour early.

After saying goodbye to Stephanie and grabbing her things, she went to her car and drove to the studio.

As soon as she opened the door, she bumped into Peter, who was just going to go outside. “Oh my god, I’m sorry Peter, I didn’t see you there,” Renée exclaimed, her hand rubbing the place on her forehead where they had collided.

Peter laughed while also putting his hand to his forehead. “All good Renée. What are you doing here so early?” he asked.

Renée raised her eyebrows before remembering that she hadn’t told her cousin about Queen and their appointment.

“Oh, there’s just this band I want to introduce to Andrew, they want to record an album.”

Peter nodded, saying “Cool.”
“Well, I was going to get lunch. See you later?” he said. “Will do,” Renée answered before they both continued their ways.

It was currently three PM, and the band wasn’t going to arrive for another twenty minutes. She sat down on a chair in the hallway, trying to relax, but it didn’t help.

Her heart was beating faster the later it got, and when the doors opened, she almost jumped out of her seat.

Freddie walked in first, followed by John, Brian, and then Roger. Renée couldn’t keep herself from taking a glance at him, but quickly turned her head when his gaze wandered into her direction.

Freddie took off his sunglasses and looked around before he saw Renée and a bright mile appeared on his face.

She stood up, ignoring her weak knees. Freddie came to a stop in front of her and gave her a brief hug. “Well, here we are darling,” he smiled.

“I hope that we’re still on time,” Brian added, checking his watch. “Things aren’t too strict around here, don’t worry,” Renée said.

She led them to her uncle’s office and knocked. It was clear to see that the boys were nervous, but there was something else she noticed.

It felt as if someone was staring at her, and in her head she knew who that pair of eyes belonged to.

Trying to ignore the uneasy feeling, she pushed the door open and walked in.
Her uncle was standing at the window where a small radio was placed and he switched channels to a classical one.

He smiled when he saw Renée standing in the doorway with the four boys and waved them inside. Renée stepped back a bit to let them enter first, but noticed that Freddie was staying behind. “Can we talk?” he asked.

But before she could ask him to elaborate, Brian called for him to come inside and he walked past her. What could this be about? She wasn’t sure if she’d be able to take in even more bad news, and certainly nothing about Roger.

Andrew offered the band to sit down on a few seats and armchairs, and asked them if they wanted anything to drink.

They all passed and so Renée’s uncle sat down on his chair. Renée sat next to John, who smiled at her before turning back to her uncle.

“So,” he began. “You’re Queen.” “Yes we are,” Freddie answered, a confident grin on his face.

“My niece told me you want to record an album, so I wanted to ask if this would be your first one.”

The boys exchanged a few looks before Brian spoke up. “Well, yes, but we have a few demos, if you are interested.”

Andrew nodded slowly, before saying: “Well, how about you just play a few songs for me in the recording rooms?”

He got up from his chair again and motioned for the band to follow him. Renée wanted to join the group, but Freddie held her back by grabbing her arm.

“My god Freddie, could you stop being so mysterious? You scared me!” she exclaimed, pulling her arm from him.

He mumbled an apology before stepping closer to her. “I have something very important to tell you.”

She looked at him, trying to find out what was so important that he’d stay behind during his own studio appointment.

“Well, tell me,” she encouraged him and Freddie sighed, putting a hand on her shoulder.

“You don’t know the truth about Linda.”

To love a flower ~ Roger TaylorWhere stories live. Discover now