Chapter 2:Meeting the Straw Hat+Runaway

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3rd Person POV

Mei was expecting to meet the Straw Hat boy someday due to Rei but she did not expect her lies to convert into the truth.

Rei however was surprised and excited as well since she will finally be meeting the Straw Hat boy.

She was trying her best to look through the crowd but there were way too many people.

When one person noticed her,he panicked and quickly yelled.

"Miss Rei is here,give a path."the people around heard and quickly replied by opening up a path.

When Rei looked around her......she was disappointed.

Mei was also dissatisfied.

Nevertheless,Rei went to the front and found Luffy eating plates after plates of meat.

Mei also arrived and looked at Luffy with a raised up brow.

He a glutton.

Yep,he was definitely a glutton.

Mei had an amused look on her face.

However,Rei..........Rei was just shining.

Rei had stars in her eyes.

"Look Mei,someone other than me can also eat meat,I told you."Rei said to Mei with a proud look.

Mei's expression shifted to horror as she thought of two meat loving gluttons.

'They are gonna get along just fine.........but what about me.'Mei thought as she dropped on her knees and hands while crying crocodile tears comically.

Luffy noticed Rei looking at him.

He looked at the meat.......then at Rei...........then at the meat...........then at Rei again.

He suddenly covered the meat as he starred at Rei with shark teeth and a comical angry face.

Rei noticed this and countered with her own comical angry face.

Mei was looking at the exchange with half lidded eyes.

"What have I gottten myself into."Mei muttered to herself.


Luffy had finally eaten the meat as he left the restaurant.

Rei and Mei were following him,well Mei was just following Rei.

"Why are you following me."Luffy asked with a frown.

"I want to be your friend."Rei said smiling while bringing her hand forward for a handshake.

'Yeah,no way is he gonna accept a complete stranger as a friend.'Mei thought while rolling her eyes.

"Oh,ok my name is Monkey D. Luffy but you can call me Luffy,nice to meetcha."Luffy said with a goofy grin while shaking her hand.

"So straightforward!"Mei said looking at Luffy,her eyes stretching out of her sockets.

"My name is Rei and this is Mei,nice to meet you too Luffy-San."Rei said while politely introducing herself and Mei.

"Hello ther-wait that's not important,why are you accepting our friendship so easily."Mei asked while raising her brow.

"You asked me to be your friends,so why not,besides you guys feel like you need a friend since you look lonely."Luffy explained with a bright smile.

Another World Vol.3(One Piece Fanfiction)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz