Operation 4 HJP

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A year after the operation, Ginny fully healed and they are considering Harry carrying a baby.

"Babe, are you sure?" Ginny said.

"Yes. But first, I wanna have a shower with you first." Harry replied.

"Alright" Ginny replied.

Harry and Ginny share a shower together. 3 days later.

"Hello. is this the Head midwife?" Ginny asked on the phone.

"Yes. I'm Midwife Clara what seems to be wrong?" Midwife Clara said.

"Last year I had an operation because of an infected uterus. They said that my husband could carry a child for us. I was wondering if that could still happen or not" Ginny replied.

"It depends. Sometimes in males, they have extra room in their abdomen. Some men don't. We will have to do a mini operation on him first to see. And if he does. We'll put a fake sac in that'll represent the uterus. If not, we'll try and find a place. If we can't find anywhere, we'll have to find another surrogate parent." Midwife Clara explained.

"Ok" Ginny said nervously.

*Operation Day*

"Harry. Can I have a little moment plz?" Ginny asked.

"Of course" Harry said.

"Lie on the bed please" Ginny asked.

Harry lied on the bed and Ginny placed wet kisses all over his stomach.

"GINNY! Stop! that tickles!" Harry laughed.

"Another reason to do it" Ginny replied, applying more kisses on his stomach.

"Shall we take a picture and sent it to your mum?" Harry said.

"YES! James! Autumn! Albus! Elle! Dakota!" Ginny shouted.

All the kids walked/ran in.

"What mum/mummy" All the kids asked.

"Shall we take a photo and send it to grandad and grandma before we go doctors for daddy?" Ginny asked.

"Good idea mummy" Albus said.

"Great idea mum" Dakota said.

All the children + Harry and Ginny took a big photo and sent it to Molly and Arthur.

*At the hospital*

"Harry James Potter, Maternity room 4 please" the doctor said.

Ginny took Harry and the children to room 4.

"Shall we get Harry ready for the surgery then" Midwife Clara asked.

"Yes. Babe. I'll look after the kids" Ginny said.

"What's going on?" Dakota asked.

"You know when I told you daddy was going to have the baby instead of me" Ginny asked her 14 year old daughter.

"Yeah. You said you couldn't have one so instead daddy had to have one" Dakota replied.

"They are getting him ready for surgery. If there's room in the inside of the tummy, then the fake sac will be placed inside of him and the fertilized egg will grow inside." Ginny explained the best way for her 14 and 10 year old daughters.

"That sounds weirdly cool!" Dakota explained.

"Can daddy have a cuddle?" Harry asked all his kids.

Dakota and Elle hugged Harry first, followed by James and Autumn. Followed by baby Albus.

Ginny threw herself into her husband's arms. She wanted him to be safe and happy. And this was the way for him to be happy..... but she didn't know if he was going to be safe or not.

"Be safe" Ginny whispered into her husband's ear.

"I will" Harry whispered back.

Harry walked into the changing room and got changed into the hospital gown that was required to wear and Ginny tied it up at the back.

"Final kiss?" she asked.

"Of course." he replied.

Ginny threw herself at him. She kissed him hard on the lips. Then very gently nibbled on his earlobe as that was his favourite thing for her to do to him.

She loved him. And he loved her.

Harry broke apart and walked into the surgery room. Ginny got hugs from all her children. She picked Albus up and gave him a gentle squeeze because he looked the most like Harry. His gentle green eyes and his Harry-like smile and laugh. Albus was a mini Harry.

Ginny loved him. Forever and beyond.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 05, 2020 ⏰

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