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Jimin pov:

"H-he's not answering his phone.... at all." I panicked. I could hear Hobi sigh through the phone.
"He went on a mission.... I don't know if he told you or not." He explained.

I jumped up agitated. I don't remember him mentioning it.
"What type of mission... what does he do Hobi?" I asked feeling desperate. It went quiet before he spoke again.

"I.... can't tell you Jimin. He asked me not to." He said. I could tell he was sorry but I was still upset.
How can I possibly like someone I know nothing about?!

"Hobi please tell me." I clutched onto my chest feeling an unbearable sadness.
I haven't heard back from Jungkook in days and barely found out he's on some type of mission.

Why didn't he tell me? What is he hiding from me?

"Look Jimin.... I'm just as nervous and scared as you are.. there's nothing I can think of doing at the moment." He said.

"Let's go to the police!" I ran upstairs to get dressed.

"N-no! We can't get them involved!" Hobi yelled.
"Then what are we gonna do?! I can't lose him Hobi......"

Hobi paused. I could feel the tension in the air even though we weren't even in the same room.
"Do you have your location on?" He asked.
"Y-yeah." I double checked.

"Do you and Jungkook share any privacy settings?" He asked.
I looked through my phone slightly panicking.
"Y-yeah we share a lot." I face palmed feeling stressed out.

"We can try and find him ourselves but, his phone has to have some type of battery left and it can't be damaged." Hobi sighed.

"O-ok so how do we do that?" I asked, eager.
"I have software coding that I program into Jungkook's phone when he's looking for his target. That's how he usually finds out things about them." Hobi continued explaining.

Target!? Finds out things about them?! What the hell is he talking about??

"Yeah I uhh, I understand just hurry up." I continued getting dressed.
"I'll be right over." Hobi hung up.

"What the hell is going on?" I sat down on my bed, looking up at the ceiling.

Please be safe.... Jeon Jungkook.......

Jungkook pov:


"Let me go!!" I pulled on the chains as hard as I could.
"I said let me go!!" I slammed my fist onto the wall.
   The tall slender man roughly grabbed my face.

   "Shut your f*cking mouth." His eyes bore into mine.
   I smirked. "F*ck you." I said.
"Likewise." He reeled his hand back.

     My cheek harshly stung as his hand came into contact with face.

   "That sounded painful." Taehyung opened the big metal door, walking over to us.

  My head hung low as he spoke.  Just play along until you find the opportunity.

    "Ugh, my wrist are killing me. I feel numb all over.... I think my circulation is getting cut off." I heavily sighed looking down at my bloody knuckles and pale arms.

Taehyung grinned.
"You're not a good liar." He laughed looking at the blonde haired boy.

"Doesn't matter, since I'll probably get an infection before you can find out." I gritted my teeth as I stumbled back.

"What a lame way too go out." I laid against the wall feeling lightheaded. A slim hand lifted up my chin.
"You can't die yet....I'll loosen them for you." The blonde haired boy grew closer.

"Thanks." I extended my arms. He grabbed my wrist examining me.
I smirked, swiftly pulling my hand out of the handcuff and slamming it against his head.

He instantly collapsed causing Taehyung to turn around alert. I quickly pulled my other hand out before looking around.

"It took a while but I managed to figure out your shedule. You came all the way down here which means that every single door is unlocked at this very moment." I stretched.

He made his way closer to the door but kept his eyes on the blonde haired boy.
If he manages to run and lock me in here, then it's game over. I need to stall time.

"Ahh I see... he's dead." I said pointing behind me. I watched as Taehyung's eyes lit up with anger and fear.

"Thanks too you I lost a little bit of weight. It was almost instinct to slip out of those cuffs." I made my way toward him.

"You can't let him die..." He whispered almost unwillingly. I looked at him a little confused.

A serial killer wants another serial killer to survive an attack?
I sighed.

"I'll help you if you help me. Let me go and I won't have to kill you or him. I'll abandon my mission and let you live as long as you keep your word." I looked at him in the eyes.
"Stop killing people.... Kim Taehyung."

He nodded. " him." He kneeled down by the unconscious boy.
I pulled out my phone dialing a number I thought I'd never need again.

The world went silent before he finally answered.
"I need your help..........Jin." I sighed looking at the unconscious boy.

Jeon Jungkook
Occupation:: Criminal. Assassin. Underground business owner. One hit man.


~ I sat in a dark room with a dim light. Pictures of Kim Taehyung and his victims were laid out in front of me.

"You have to get rid of him.... he killed my daughter.... please Jungkook." The woman desperately clutched onto me.

I stared into her watery, tear filled eyes as her hands shook.
I closed my eyes feeling the immense pressure.
"How much are you offering?" I tapped my leg.

"250,000." She sniffed as she wiped her eyes.
I nodded. I'll get rid of him for good." I stared into her eyes.

~ I looked at the bleeding boy and at Taehyung sitting next to him.
Images of the woman flashed before me.
How she use to stand over her daughters empty bed while telling me stories about her.

Sadness. That was all I could feel for betraying her.
My heart seemed to ache as I looked at the boy lying on the floor.

This... isn't something I should be doing. Maybe I should get rid of my past and start fresh?

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