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Midoriya X Bakugou

Midoriya is recently engaged to Shinsou, which causes even more tension between Midoriya and Bakugou.

"Wow" Bakugou breathed "engaged, huh?"

"Yeah" Midoriya mumbled in reply "It's all quite a shock to be honest..."

"I bet. You really had no idea?"

"None. We've not even been together that long-"

"5 months, right?" Bakugou interrupted.

"Erm, yeah. How did you-"

"Pikachu told me you guys were dating back in January, so..."

"Oh right, of course. Shinsou must have told Kaminari, duh"

Both the boys fell silent, looking out over the night sky as they leant over one of the many balconies at the Yaoyorozu home. She had insisted on throwing the couple a party to celebrate their engagement. Izuku didn't want the fuss but Shinsou had insisted, saying that you only got to do this once, and with that Izuku had agreed. Bakugou knew nothing of the engagement, only finding out when he got a Facebook invite to the party.
He'd never want to admit it out loud but he was kinda hurt that Midoriya hadn't told him about the engagement...

"Why didn't you tell me?!" Bakugou suddenly blurted out. It came out with a lot more venom than he had intended but he couldn't help it, he was hurt.

"Kacchan I-"

"Is it because of what happened? Me and you on Halloween night, remember?"

"Jesus, Kacchan of course I remember!" Midoriya replied, evidently hurt. How could he not? It was one of the best nights of his life. Well, so he thought...

"Tch, sure doesn't seem that way" Bakugou mumbled.

"You were the one who stopped talking to me, remember?!" Midoriya almost shouted. He thought he was over this whole thing with Bakugou but the hurt that he had managed to push down had suddenly all resurfaced "I tried talking to you so many times but you just blanked me! Do you know how that feels?!" Midoriya eyes began to water, he'd never been good at keeping his emotions in. "You were my first Kacchan..."

Seeing  Midoriya with tears in his eyes, knowing he'd caused that pain, broke Bakugou's heart. He had never wanted to cut ties with the small green-haired boy, but he knew nothing good would come out of them being together. He was closed off and constantly angry, unable to express his emotions rationally. And Midoriya was the complete opposite, he was pure and in check with his emotions. He cried a lot sure, but surely that was better than being a constant bulit up ball of anger.

Tears stung in the corner of Bakugou's eyes as he looked down at Midoriya. He wanted to pull him into a hug right that second and apologies for all the shit he had caused...

"I-i didn't want to hurt you Deku..."

Midoriya scoffed in reply "Well, you did a really rubbish job".

"You think I don't know that?!" Bakugou growled "I felt so fucking guilty, everyday! It killed me inside! Damn it Deku"

"So what? You want me to feel sorry for you?"

"What? No, I'm just I-"

"You're what? Are you gonna tell me you're sorry? That things have changed?" Midoriya growled back as he took a step toward Bakugou. He was always the smaller of the two but he wasn't going to let that stop him. He was angry and Bakugou needed to hear it."We both know that's not true, don't we? You're still the same scared, angry little boy you've always been!"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07, 2021 ⏰

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