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Click clack,click clack,the sound of the little tools feet hitting the ground.His head hung low as he walked away defeated.Moments earlier he had tried to help out with the light bugs inside the garage.They decided to start flying everywhere except where they were supposed to.
Click-Clack had tried his best to catch them along side Revit but he tripped on a loose bolt laying around,causing him to go tumbling down onto Waldo's shelving unit.The force of doing so caused the screws below to loosen and the shelves came tumbling down.
It wasn't entirely his fault,it was the screws that weren't placed correctly.
No one blamed him and right away even Waldo started going on about how he placed the screws wrong.Of course he blamed it on Ace first.
As the bickering was going on,Click-Clack was sitting on the floor looking at the mess that had just happened and he decided to leave.To go bakc to the ravine for a while.Maybe there he couldn't mess up anything.
No one had noticed Click-Clack had left.Even the very observant Revit didn't notice.Maybe it was the crowd of trux in the garage that blocked his view of the exit.
Click-Clack slowly made his way to the underground tunnel.He'll take this tunnel back to the ravine.
When the shelves were back in place and screwed down correctly this time,the trux all went to their designated sleeping spots in the crater.
Revit hopped onto Tye and finally noticed that he had not seen Click-Clack."Hey,Tye,have you seen,Click-Clack around?"
Tye looked around as he spoke out and replied,"Actually,I haven't,Revit.Where do you think he could have gone?"
Tye rolled out the garage and Revit replied,"Maybe to the ravine.I should go check to make sure he's alright."
Tye knodded and gave Rev a ride to the underground tunnel.
The trux lowered his head for Rev to climb down,"Are you sure you don't want me to stay up for you?"
Revit shook his head no,"I'll be fine,Tye.Go get some sleep.I'm sure he's at the ravine."
Tye picked his head up and said,"Okay,Rev,Goodnight.Be safe out there," as he rolled off to his cave.Rev chuckled,"Yeah,you too,Tye," He said quietly as he dropped himself down into the tunnel.
Revit entered the ravine.Quietly zooming passed the homes of the many tools that lived there.
Coming near Click-Clacks home,Revit called out quietly to him,"Click-Clack? Click-Clack are you here?"
Click-Clack took a deep breath and replied,"Yeah,Revit.I'm here."He came close to the entrance of his small,cave like home,no intention of stepping into the moonlight.
Revit felt himself relax at the sight of Click-Clack.Happy he wasn't hurt."Click-Clack," Revit began,"How come you came back here? What happened?"
Click-Clack hung his head,"Revit,I don't think I'm going back to the garage."
Revit gasped and replied,"What? You can not mean that!"
Click-Clack sighed,"Actually,I do,Revit.I do mean it.In fact it's the only thing I'm sure about."
Revit looked to the side and decided to ask,"Why?"
Click-Clack looked to his friend,"Revit,everywhere I go things start falling apart.No one at the garage fully trusts me to do much anything.Even Waldo's shelves are against me.I'm bad luck,Revit,and this ravine is where I should stay from now on."
Revit's jaw was dropped,"But,Clack-Clack,
Without you we never would have helped that Teracopter.It was you who saved him,saved us all from being scrapped by Stealth Scrapadactles."Revit thought a moment,"And it was you who saved Skya and Ace on that cliff just the other day."
Click-Clack spoke out,"Revit!" he yelled,"I'm not going back.There's no changing my mind.What you don't know about that cliff save,is that Ace and Skya didn't trust me at all till the last second.I practically begged them to let me help.Luckly they did let me help because otherwise they would be scrap by now!"
Revit backed away from Click-Clack.
His head low and defeated,"Well,I guess I won't bother you then,"Revit said softly.
Click-Clack sighed,sitting down and looked at his friend,"I'm sorry,Revit,but I just can't go through that anymore.None of this was your fault.Just make sure to tell everyone I'm not coming back and that I'm sorry for the trouble i've caused."
Revit sighed,not saying anything.
He backed out of Click-Clacks home and walked a few steps.
Click-Clack peeked out to see if he was really leaving and he saw Revit turn around,"Be safe, Click-Clack," he said as he kept walking away.
Revit returned to the flatirons only to see Tye's face as he came out from the tunnels,"I thought I told you to go to bed,Tye?" Revit spoke out.
The large T-trux shook his head and said,"I couldn't sleep.So what happened with Click-Clack?"
Revit climbed atop Tye's head and sat down.His head hung low and his voice shook a little,"He was at the ravine but he said he's not coming back."

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