4.The Bait

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"You know.Why do this anymore? Why do any of it anymore.All these trux are the same.Battleing it out for their own gain.D-Strucks,I don't understand his reasons.At least Tye works for more then one trux." Click-Clacks thoughts overshadowed him for  quite some time now.He lay trapped in a metal cage high above a canyon cliff.Below was darkness but across the void he could see a flat surface that looked like it lead on for miles.
Click-Clack stayed near the middle of his cage so as not to see down into the void and scare himself.
He heard clanging.Like someone walking along the pole he was dangling from.Skrap-It had put it together by welding scrap into a pole to hang him above the void.
The reptool looked up to see Skrap-It,"Your friends are coming,Click-Clack.Coming to save you that is.(twitch)"
Click-Clack sighed,"Yeah,I figured as much with you coming here."
Skrap-It hung his head,"Say uh (twitch),Click-Clack,I wanted to thank you.For fixing D-Strucks.He'll never say it but I wanted you to know I appreciate your work."
Click-Clack spun his bits,"You-You what?"
  "There he is!"
The two tools heard someone.
Skrap-It right away ran to hide himself and Click-Clack turned to see the dinotrux all coming from the direction of the flat plain.
"Guys! Your here!" shouted Click-Clack.
"Of course we're here.You're our friend,Click-Clack," Tye said.
Revit scanned around.Looking at the structure Click-Clack was on.
It was hanging in the middle of the void on a thin pole made of scrap.
"That is no doubt the work of Skrap-It.Although I don't seem to see him or D-Strucks.They've got to be around here somewhere."
Skya judged the distance,"I might be able to hook the cage." She said aloud and TonTon joined in by saying,"I could toss a rock with my bed and hit that pole to shake him loose."
Tye lifted his head and said,"Then Skya could pull him to this side."
Tye looked upwards,gesturing Revit's concern,"Rev,this'll work?" Revit's bits spun,"Uh-yes.But I don't see why D-Strucks isn't here yet.Why would he tip us off about having Click-Clack if he wasn't going to show?"
Tye shook his head,"I don't know,but we got to get Click-Clack now before he does come."
Click-Clack shouted out over the void,"Skrap-It was here a moment ago.Don't know how much help that will be."
Revit hmed to himself and said,"I do not like this."
  Skya swung her hook towards the cage.Catching it just barley and Click-Clack helped her hook onto it better.
TonTon was about to take off but Revit stopped him,"Actually TonTon,I think Tye should throw the boulder.He can lift the heavier one just over there and crush that scrap."
TonTon chuckled,"Sure,no prob,dude.Get crushin,Tye."
Tye grabbed the rock and aimed and just as he was about to toss it,Dozer yelled out,"Wait! It's D-Strucks!"
The trux all looked down to where Dozer had gestured.There was D-Strucks.Across the void and in some kind of cave on the underside of the cliff top.
He chuckled evily,"Took the bait,huh Tye?" He asked as he grabbed part of the rock wall surface.Tossing it below the trux.Making the ground they stood on shake.
Revit gasped,"Back up,Now!"
The trux did their best to reverse but the cliffs edge came tumbling down.Taking Tye,Skya, TonTon,Dozer and Revit with it.
Click-Clack yelled out,"No! Guys!"
The trux all screamed loudly as they fell into the chasm.
Skrap-It twitched and Click-Clack finally noticed him hiding behind a rock conveniently placed near the start of the scrap pole he was on.
D-Strucks laughed away,"Take that,Tye! Now the crater is mine!"
Click-Clack tucked himself in and closed his eyes tighter.
"I am bad luck.So much bad luck,"Click-Clack's thoughts carried on.
  Around an hour later, Skrap-It came up to the cage and began welding at it.Opening the top,"You better scram before D-Strucks gets here."
Click-Clack trembled,"N-No..I think I'll jus-stay here till I die."
Skrap-It sighed and said,"Listen, Click-Clack.I didn't-"
"Skrap-It!" D-Strucks voice called out,"Come,we have much to do."
Skrap-It twitched,"What do I do with the prisoner?"
D-Strucks thought a moment before turning his back to Skrap-It,"Leave him."
Click-Clack shook at the sound of D-Strucks voice.The scrap tool looked down into the cage,"Click-Clack?"
The reptool curled up and sniffled,"Go,Skrap-It."
With that the scrap tool sighed and jumped away to catch up to D-Strucks.

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